Mia Simpson

How to Improve Quality Control in the Food Industry

Food Safety

Quality control is a critical process for ensuring food safety and quality. Learn about the importance of quality control in the food industry here.

Mar 13, 2024
clock Icon 5 min read

What are Safe Systems of Work?

Safety Management Site Safety

Having safe systems of work in place ensures that employees perform tasks in the safest way possible. Discover how to develop them in your workplace here.

Jan 8, 2024
clock Icon 6 min read

A Vegan Diet: Benefits & Meal Ideas


A vegan diet has undeniable benefits for animal welfare, the environment and your health. Learn about what you can eat in a vegan diet here.

Jan 5, 2024
clock Icon 10 min read

What Should Be In A First Aid Kit?

Health and Hygiene Workplace Safety

All workplaces are required to provide suitable first aid kits for employees. But what exactly do you put in this box? Here is our complete checklist.

Oct 30, 2023
clock Icon 4 min read

The Most Common Office Injuries and How To Prevent Them

Workplace Safety

Each workplace comes with its own set of dangers. We outline the most common office injuries and how you can go about preventing them here.

Oct 17, 2023
clock Icon 5 min read

How to Start an Event Management Company: Business Plan Template

Starting a Business

Considering starting your own event management business? Download our free one-page business plan template to get you started.

Oct 16, 2023
clock Icon 2 min read

What are the Responsibilities of a First Aider?

Safety Management Workplace Safety

Trained first aiders are an asset to every workplace. Understand the responsibilities and qualities of a good first aider here.

Oct 12, 2023
clock Icon 4 min read

Grinding Safety Precautions and Control Measures

Safety Management Site Safety Workplace Safety

It is essential to identify grinding hazards in your workplace and put controls in place to reduce risk. Learn more about keeping your employees safe here.

Oct 11, 2023
clock Icon 5 min read

What is an Individual Healthcare Plan?

Allergens and Food Labelling Education Teachers and Parents

An Individual Healthcare Plan can be used to support children with medical conditions in schools. Download a free IHP template here.

Sep 27, 2023
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What are the Hazards of Grinding?

Site Safety

If your role involves grinding and abrasive wheels, it is essential to be aware of the hazards involved. Gain a deeper understanding of grinding hazards here.

Sep 13, 2023
clock Icon 5 min read