What Excel Skills are Employers Looking For?

Career Development

Obtaining a number of basic Excel skills, along with a few more advanced ones, will help elevate your CV. Find the best ways to describe these abilities here.

Dec 21, 2022
clock Icon 5 min read

Careers in Health and Social Care

Career Development

If you are considering a career in health and social care, it’s important to understand the skills required and the typical responsibilities. Find our guidance here.

Dec 7, 2022
clock Icon 4 min read

How to Become a Photographer

Career Development Starting a Business

Photography is an exciting career choice, with many different skills and responsibilities. Find out how you might secure a career in photography here.

Dec 2, 2022
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Communication Skills Quiz

Business Fundamentals

Confident in your ability to communicate confidently and effectively? Test your communication skills with our free online communication skills quiz.

Nov 23, 2022
clock Icon 4 min read

How to Accommodate Ataxia in the Workplace

Business Fundamentals Safeguarding Adults Workplace Safety

Ataxia is a term for a group of disorders that affect coordination, balance and speech. Find guidance on how to support ataxia in the workplace here.

Oct 21, 2022
clock Icon 5 min read

What Defines Good Customer Service in Retail?

Business Fundamentals

Retail customer service involves resourcefulness, initiative and strong people skills. Find our tips to help you improve your customer service skills here.

Sep 7, 2022
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A Guide to 360 Degree Feedback: Free Template

Career Development Human Resources

Receiving 360 degree feedback is a great way for employees to understand their strengths and weaknesses. Download a 360 degree feedback template here.

Aug 31, 2022
clock Icon 5 min read

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policies in the Workplace: Free Template

Equality and Diversity Human Resources

Full guidance on writing an Equality and Diversity Policy and a free PDF template to download. Fill in your own details and create your own policy.

Aug 22, 2022
clock Icon 7 min read

What To Do If You Suspect Mental Health Discrimination at Work

Human Resources Mental Health and Wellbeing

People can be directly or indirectly discriminated against due to their mental health. Find out what to do if you suspect mental health discrimination at work here.

Aug 16, 2022
clock Icon 8 min read

How to Chair a Meeting Effectively

Business Fundamentals Leadership and Management

A good chairperson helps meetings to run smoothly and efficiently. Learn about the responsibilities along with some useful tips on how to chair a meeting here.

Aug 5, 2022
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Employee Retention Strategies: Guidance on Retaining Staff

Business Fundamentals Career Development Leadership and Management

Employee retention strategies can help reduce high staff turnover and increase workforce morale. Find guidance on how to retain staff here.

Jul 29, 2022
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How to Manage Your Stress Dreams

Mental Health and Wellbeing

We assess the different types of stress dreams, what each type of dream means and what techniques you can use to effectively manage your stress dreams.

Jul 28, 2022
clock Icon 7 min read

How to Promote Inclusive Communication in the Workplace

Equality and Diversity Human Resources Leadership and Management

Inclusive communication is essential for creating a workplace where everyone feels valued. Learn about how you can promote inclusive communication here.

Jul 27, 2022
clock Icon 7 min read

Case Study: Raising Standards at Leyton Orient Football Club

Case Studies Training

In this case study, we look at how Leyton Orient Football Club used online training to get staff members compliant on a range of topics.

Jul 22, 2022
clock Icon 3 min read

How to Motivate a Team

Leadership and Management

Having a motivated team is vital to a company’s overall success, and must therefore be actively maintained. Find our tips for how to motivate a team here.

Jul 18, 2022
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Working in Hot Weather: Legal Requirements, Guidance, and Tips

Health and Hygiene Workplace Safety

Working when it’s warm can be a real challenge. Find tips for working in the heat alongside what the legal requirements are around working conditions here.

Jul 18, 2022
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Recruitment & Retention Strategies in Healthcare

Career Development

Successful recruitment and retention is important for the future of the health and social care industry. Find some strategies to help employers manage it here.

Jul 4, 2022
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What are the Skills for the Future of Work?

Business Fundamentals Career Development

Future of work skills are continually evolving. Find guidance on how you can upskill and learn more about how you can prepare here.

Jun 13, 2022
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How to Improve Active Listening in Communication

Career Development Leadership and Management

Active listening in communication can positively impact our relationships and job effectiveness. Learn about how you can become a better listener here.

May 18, 2022
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The Future of Online Learning: 2022 Whitepaper

High Speed Training News Training

Online learning is expected to quadruple in value from 2020 to 2027. Download our latest report to understand why it continues to grow in popularity here.

May 16, 2022
clock Icon 6 min read