The 5 Tests of Homelessness Explained

Advanced Safeguarding Safeguarding Adults

The 5 tests of homelessness assess an individual’s eligibility for accommodation, provided by local authorities or housing associations.

Apr 16, 2018
clock Icon 3 min read

What is Safeguarding Training & Why is it so Important?

Safeguarding Adults Safeguarding Children Training

It is vital that all children and adults at risk of harm can feel safe and protected. Learn about what safeguarding is and why it is so important here.

Apr 11, 2018
clock Icon 4 min read

Workplace Adjustments for People with Disabilities: Employer Responsibilities

Equality and Diversity Safeguarding Adults

Under the Equality Act, employers must make workplace adjustments for any disabled employees or interview candidates. We outline what these may include.

Mar 5, 2018
clock Icon 6 min read

What is Person-Centred Care and Why is it Important?

Advanced Safeguarding Safeguarding Adults

Person centred care involves caring for patients beyond their medical condition. Our guide examines why this is important, and how it works in practice.

Feb 23, 2018
clock Icon 7 min read

Supporting Young Carers: A Guide For Teachers

Education Safeguarding Children Teachers and Parents

Being able to offer support to young carers as their teacher can have a huge impact on their overall health and wellbeing. Find out how you can help.

Jan 24, 2018
clock Icon 8 min read

Safeguarding Children in Education Quiz

Education Safeguarding Children

If you work in education, you have a responsibility to safeguard children. Test your knowledge on this topic with our quiz. Further resources provided.

Jan 19, 2018
clock Icon 5 min read

How to Check References for Safer Recruitment

Human Resources Recruitment Safeguarding Children Teachers and Parents

Our guide to checking references explains what you should ask in order to obtain useful information about candidates. Includes examples & further resources.

Dec 15, 2017
clock Icon 5 min read

Using a Personal Development Plan in Health and Social Care

Advanced Safeguarding Career Development

A personal development plan is important to ensure you remain focused on your goals. Learn how to use one effectively to improve your caregiving.

Nov 27, 2017
clock Icon 5 min read

The Nine Most Common Diabetes Myths

Health and Hygiene

We’ve collated the most common Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes myths, and shed light on the facts behind them. Further information and resources provided.

Nov 13, 2017
clock Icon 5 min read

The Dangers of Cyberbullying: What Actions Can You Take?

Safeguarding Children Teachers and Parents

The dangers of cyberbullying are serious and wide-ranging. Find out how you can spot the warning signs and put an end to it. Further resources provided.

Nov 10, 2017
clock Icon 4 min read

Managing ADHD in the Classroom: Teaching Strategies and Tips

Education Safeguarding Children SEN Teachers and Parents

If you work with children with ADHD you’ll need to make accommodations for their behaviours. Check out our best tips for managing ADHD in the classroom.

Nov 8, 2017
clock Icon 5 min read

Marking Symbols: A Guide for Primary School Teachers

Education Teachers and Parents

Improve your pupils’ core skills, and make feedback a more interactive process. Download our marking symbols template to use in your classroom.

Oct 30, 2017
clock Icon 4 min read

What are the 6 Principles of the Care Act 2014?

Advanced Safeguarding Safeguarding Adults

To protect and safeguard vulnerable adults, caregivers must follow 6 principles of the Care Act 2014. Learn what these are & how to follow them.

Oct 20, 2017
clock Icon 4 min read

Seeing the Signs of Dyslexia

Education Safeguarding Adults Safeguarding Children Teachers and Parents

Dyslexia can be difficult to diagnose. Our guide examines the signs of dyslexia to look out for in children, teens & adults.

Oct 9, 2017
clock Icon 5 min read

Promoting Social Development in Children Through Structured Group Play

Education Teachers and Parents

Guide for parents, teachers & playworkers to promote social development in young children through play. Example social development activities provided.

Sep 18, 2017
clock Icon 4 min read

Drugs in the Workplace: What Employers Need to Know

Addiction Human Resources Mental Health and Wellbeing

Drugs in the workplace can cause a plethora of health, social & economic problems. Find out what the warning signs are & how you can help manage the issue.

Jun 30, 2017
clock Icon 4 min read

Electrical Safety for Kids: A Teacher’s Guide

Teachers and Parents

Our electrical safety for kids guide provides example classroom activities for teachers of KS1 & KS2 pupils to ensure their awareness of electrical hazards.

Jun 19, 2017
clock Icon 6 min read

Understanding the Different Forms of Child Neglect

Safeguarding Children Teachers and Parents

What are the different forms of child neglect? This article examines the four categories of neglect, so the warning signs can be spotted.

May 22, 2017
clock Icon 3 min read

Dementia & Diet: Can Certain Foods Improve Your Brain Health?

Nutrition Safeguarding Adults

The link between dementia and diet has been heavily researched. Find out which foods nourish the brain & how you can incorporate these into your lifestyle.

Apr 7, 2017
clock Icon 2 min read

What is the Difference between Arranged Marriage and Forced Marriage?

Safeguarding Adults Safeguarding Children Trauma and Abuse

We explain the fundamental difference between arranged marriage and forced marriage, and why it’s important not to conflate the two.

Apr 4, 2017
clock Icon 5 min read