Catherine Hickabottom, Author at The Hub | High Speed Training Welcome to the Hub, the company blog from High Speed Training. Wed, 23 Aug 2023 14:46:42 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 What is Scaffolding Safety for Working at Height? Thu, 20 Jul 2023 08:30:00 +0000 Scaffolding is temporary structure used to gain access to work at height. Discover some of the scaffolding safety requirements here.

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This article has been written in conjunction with a Health & Safety specialist.

Scaffolding is a temporary structure used to gain access to work at height and to support people and materials for the work. Scaffolding consists of either individual components such as scaffolding tubes and fittings, or of prefabricated sections that are joined together. In Great Britain, traditional scaffolding consists of scaffolding tubes and fittings that are secured together and on which are laid wooden or metal boards or platforms, which with suitable handrails and toe boards provide a safe working platform for people and any necessary materials.

Scaffolding is used extensively in the construction, maintenance and repair of buildings and other structures such as industrial plant. It is also used to provide access to inspect, service or repair parts of structures or machines as well as for gaining access to places of work at height which are otherwise difficult to access. Scaffolding is used in many settings, not only for construction but for many other types of work.

In this article, we will outline some of the scaffolding safety requirements and examine the safety measures that need to be in place in order to protect you and those around you. We will also look at the most commonly used types of scaffolding.

What are Scaffolding Safety Requirements? 

Work at height is the largest single cause of fatal accidents at work. 50% of all fatal accidents in the construction industry, and 25% in other industries, are caused by falls from height. It is also a substantial cause of major injury accidents that result in extensive time away from work. 

Accidents mainly happen while getting access to, or leaving, the work location or while working at height. Falling materials and falling work equipment are other serious risks of working at height. Life-threatening injuries have occurred when materials have fallen on people who are passing below those working at height.

Scaffolding Safety Legislation

The Work at Height Regulations 2005 (WAH) apply to access to and work at height and to all work at height activities – whether in factories, warehouses, construction sites or in offices. Therefore, whether you are an employer or an employee, if your workplace requires any sort of work at height, it’s essential to understand what you can do to reduce the risk and consequences of a fall.

The WAH Regulations require employers to ensure that work at height is properly organised and planned by competent people, who understand the hazards and risks of working at height and the correct control measures.

The Regulations also require that suitable work equipment is selected in a hierarchy as follows:

  • First, avoid the risks by doing the task without working at height – for example, using long poles for window cleaning or using prefabricated structures.
  • If avoidance of work at height is not reasonably practicable (that is, for work at height not technically possible) then falls must be prevented by providing work equipment that stops falls from happening in the first place. Scaffolding of all types fits into this category. Scaffolding is therefore one of the main methods of preventing falls and should be used if it is not reasonably practicable to avoid the work at height.
  • The lowest level of the hierarchy is the mitigation of falls, for example, by the use of airbags, or the use of personal fall protection, such as safety harnesses and running lines. However, these types of mitigation equipment can only be used if it is not possible to prevent falls. 

In most cases where work at height has to take place, prevention of falls by using scaffolding or other forms of working platform (such as cherry pickers) must be selected by employers before equipment like harnesses.

The next section of this article will focus on the main types of scaffolding that can be selected, exploring the benefits and challenges of each type. The WAH Regulations require that competent personnel are in control of the selection of safe scaffolding and that anyone erecting, altering and dismantling the scaffolding is trained in the safe erection, alteration and dismantling of the specific type of scaffolding. You will find more guidance on this later in the article.

What are the Main Types of Scaffolding in Construction?

There are three commonly used forms of scaffolding. These are:

  • Fixed scaffolding.
  • Mobile towers.
  • Low level mobile towers and podium steps.

Fixed Scaffolding

Fixed scaffolding is what is commonly seen on buildings or other structures. In the UK ‘tube and fitting’ scaffolding is commonly used. This consists of individual tubes and fittings, such as couplers, along with scaffolding boards and toe boards and other protection such as brick guards.

There is also a wide variety of proprietary scaffolding systems. These are either in the form of separate components such as proprietary designed tubes with connectors or as modular systems, consisting of individual sections that are connected together.

There are also specialised forms of scaffolding such as cantilever or suspended scaffolding. 

Design of fixed scaffolding

In all cases, those managing and working on the erection, dismantling or alterations of scaffolding must be competent. In many cases, specialist companies or scaffolding providers carry out any work that requires substantial scaffolding structures and each scaffolding project is individually designed.

For tube and fitting scaffolding design in the UK, there is guidance for standard design configurations for tube and fitting scaffolding. It can be found in the National Access and Scaffolding Federation (NASC) guidance book TG20 – ‘A comprehensive guide to good practice with tube and fitting scaffolding’. This guidance is important for those engaged in planning and carrying out the erection, alteration and dismantling of the standard designs of tube and fitting scaffolding.

For proprietary systems or modular scaffolding equipment, the manufacturer draws up the designs and issues erection guidance which needs to be followed.

For all types of scaffolding that are outside of the standard designs in TG20 or in the manufacturers’ instructions, then a competent person should carry out the design. Examples of these types of fixed scaffolding include suspended or cantilever scaffolding that are not to standard design, or other specialised scaffolding, such as shoring structures.

It is essential that a copy of the erection plan, standard or specialised, is available to those supervising and erecting scaffolding and that they are informed and instructed in its requirements. The next section will consider the safe erection of scaffolding.

The safe erection, alteration and dismantling of fixed scaffolding

As already mentioned, scaffolding can only be erected, significantly altered or dismantled under the supervision of a competent person and by those who have received training in the specific type of scaffolding.

The Construction Industry Scaffolders Record Scheme (CISRS) and CISRS Card is recognised as evidence of training that is suitable for the type of scaffolding that the card specifies. Scaffolding equipment manufacturers and independent training companies also offer specific training on different types of scaffolding equipment.

Often workers are employed to act as ‘scaffolding labourers’. These personnel should only ever assist trained erectors and should remain in a safe place, either on the ground or on a permanent structure, or on a fully erected platform with guardrails and toe boards.

It is essential that there is a safe method of erecting any type of scaffolding. The NASC has produced guidance, ‘Preventing falls in scaffolding operations’ and manufacturers also produce detailed guidance on how to safely erect and dismantle their equipment.

Supervision by a competent trained person must be available at all times. This means that, during work, a fully trained scaffolding erector, or erectors, are on site at all times. For larger or more complex operations, a supervisor should be on site or regularly visiting, depending on the complexity of the scaffolding and the nature of the site.

It is essential that any scaffolding that is left incomplete (for example, at the end of a working day) is made safe. Any ladders or other access must be removed and stored or secured so that they cannot be used by others. Warning signs should be posted – for example, ‘incomplete scaffolding’. Physical barriers should also be put into position. There have been fatal accidents to children and others who have entered building sites or scaffolding when it is incomplete.

Cleanliness, tidiness and safe storage of equipment are essential at all times, both during erection and dismantling and when the scaffolding is in use. Any loose materials must be safely stored, including while waiting to be installed on the scaffolding, both to prevent trips and to prevent them becoming dislodged and falling from the scaffolding. It is important to keep accessways, platform ladder access points and stairways free of any obstruction both during erection and in use.

Handover and inspections of fixed scaffolding

There should be written evidence that the scaffolding has been erected to a design or to manufacturer’s guidance. This is often referred to as a ‘handover certificate’. The employer who will use the scaffolding must ensure that they have received the handover certificate and understand the safety aspects of the scaffolding that have been set out –  for example, the number of ties in the scaffolding. Any areas of doubt must be checked on handover.

The employer using the scaffolding should ensure that simple visual checks are made regularly (daily if necessary) on the general condition of the scaffolding, the access and the working platforms. 

Such simple checks include checking that:

  • Sole plates and base plates are correctly in position, the standards are upright and evenly spaced.
  • Access ladders and stairways are properly installed and secure. Ladders must be sufficiently long and at an angle of 75 degrees.
  • Work platforms are fully boarded and there are no missing boards or toe boards.
  • Handrails are in position (a minimum of a top handrail and middle handrail) and are secured.
  • Any ties that are in the handover certificate are in place and firmly fixed.
  • Access is unobstructed along working platforms.

Statutory inspections of scaffolding

The WAH Regulations set out the legal duty for statutory inspection of all types of scaffolding as follows:

  • Before the scaffolding is first used by any person.
  • At least every seven days, or more frequently if specified by the designer.
  • When there is an event that may have affected the stability or condition of any part of the scaffolding.

Events include bad weather including wind and rain, storms, earth movement or structural movements.

The person carrying out the statutory inspections should be trained – there are many scaffolding courses for inspecting scaffolding provided by different organisations. 

Mobile Access Towers

Mobile towers (traditionally called ‘scaffolding towers’) are a useful method of carrying out work that is of short duration, on firm and level ground or another firm surface. It is also essential that there are no obstructions, in particular overhead power lines. Remember that some overhead power lines may not be easily recognised. A competent supervisor should check in advance for obstructions or overhead power lines at the locations of use of any mobile tower. Alternative safe methods of work may then be required and set out in a risk assessment.

Training of erectors

As with scaffolding, those erecting mobile towers should be trained in their safe erection, alteration and dismantling. There are several forms of techniques that have been developed. One technique uses advance guardrails and another technique is known as ‘through the trap’ (3T) training.

In both cases, the erector must have training in the specific erection system, and the employer must ensure that the correct additional safety equipment is available, for example, the advance guardrails, and that all equipment is in good condition.

Safe use of mobile towers

Many accidents have been caused during the use of mobile towers. From time to time, they overturn, or strike another structure trapping a person, or are incomplete, with guardrails and braces missing.

A common cause of overturning is their use on sloping ground. The risk assessment needs to consider the specific uses of the mobile tower and ensure that all elements are covered. For example, a tower may have to be dismantled and re-erected if there are areas of unsafe or sloping ground.

Inspection of mobile towers

Similar requirements for statutory inspections apply to mobile towers, as for other scaffolding. That is, inspection before use, after seven days or after an adverse event. If the tower is moved on site, it should be inspected every seven days in its new position.

Tower systems and low-level access

There is a significant use of low-level tower systems such as ‘room scaffolds’ or podium steps. These structures are a scaffolding framework with an inbuilt platform that can be folded and transported around the site. These podium steps or low-level towers give access to the tops of room walls or other lower-level access needs. The heights of the inbuilt platform can vary from 0.5 to 1.5 metres or more. In all cases, the podium steps should be properly maintained and inspected regularly by a nominated person who understands the safety elements of the equipment.

In addition, it is essential to ensure that podium steps and low-level towers are used in safe locations and that they rest on a firm, level surface and are the correct size for the work needed.

If podium steps are to be used near to a high fall risk, for example on balconies, near shafts or other areas where there is a fall to a lower level, then there is a need to carefully assess the situation. It needs to be ensured that there is no need to reach over the high fall area, which would create risks of overbalancing and falling from a significant height. In cases where there is such as need, substantial edge protection and working platforms should be used instead of low podium steps or other low-level access equipment. 

Further Resources:

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Banksman Signals: Free Poster Mon, 28 Nov 2022 15:06:39 +0000 Banksmen usually use hand signals to communicate clearly with drivers or operators. Learn about the hand signals commonly used by banksmen here.

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A banksman, also commonly referred to as a traffic marshal, is used in a variety of industries to direct the operations and manoeuvres of vehicles and mobile plant, where the risks from those operations cannot be adequately controlled by other measures. Controlling the risks is crucial as they can otherwise result in major injuries and even fatalities, and unfortunately many incidents involving work vehicles are reported every year. According to the Health and Safety Executive, there are over 5,000 accidents annually involving workplace transport.

Using a properly trained and competent banksman can be one of the control measures for minimising these risks. In order to be competent to carry out their role, banksmen or traffic marshals will need to receive practical training specific to their work activities and work environment. Part of this training will likely involve learning the signalling system that should be used to guide drivers and operators, which is a key part of their role.

Banksman hand symbol

In this article, we will look at the hand signals commonly used by banksmen and provide you with a downloadable poster of the hand signals to take away.

What are Banksman Signals?

Banksmen usually use hand signals to communicate with drivers or operators when directing operations or manoeuvres. The commonly used hand signals are set out in the Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996 (the ‘Signs and Signals Regulations’).

Although these are the commonly used hand signals across Europe, any signals may be used, as long as they are agreed between the banksman and driver/operator before operations commence. This is why practical training that is specific to the work activities and work environment is so important.

There are 12 signals set out in the Signs and Signals Regulations. Three of these signals are specifically for lifting operations, and so would only be used by slinger-signallers. These signals are beyond the scope of this article.

Banksman talking to driver of lorry

The nine signals commonly used by banksmen/traffic marshals (and set out in the attached poster at the end of the article) are:


The start signal is used to indicate to the driver or operator that they can begin moving the vehicle.
This signal involves extending both arms fully outwards, so they are roughly at a 90-degree angle from the torso.

The banksman hand signal start

Move forwards

The move forwards signal is used to tell the driver or operator that they can start moving the vehicle forwards.

This signal is also sometimes referred to as ‘move towards the banksman’, which is useful for clarity if the vehicle or mobile plant is reversing and the banksman is directing from a safe area behind it.

It involves the banksman moving both arms up and down towards their chest, with their palms facing upwards towards their face.

The banksman hand signal move towards banksman move forwards

Move backwards

The move backwards signal is the opposite of the move forwards one. It is used to tell the driver or operator that they can start moving the vehicle backwards.

This signal is also sometimes referred to as ‘move away from the banksman’, which is useful for clarity if the banksman is directing from a safe area behind the vehicle or mobile plant.

It involves the banksman moving both arms up and down towards their chest, but opposite to the move forwards signal the palms should be facing out and down.

The banksman hand signal move away from banksman move backwards

Move to the bankman’s right

This signal is used to notify the driver or operator that they should move the vehicle to the banksman’s right.

It involves the banksman extending their right arm fully outwards, roughly at a 90-degree angle from their torso, with their fingers extended and palm facing downwards towards the floor.

The banksman hand signal move to the banksman's right

Move to the banksman’s left

This signal is used to notify the driver or operator that they should move the vehicle to the banksman’s left.

It involves the banksman extending their left arm fully outwards, roughly at a 90-degree angle from their torso, with their fingers extended and palm facing downwards towards the floor.

The banksman hand signal move to the banksman's left signal

Horizontal distance

The horizontal distance signal is used to help the driver or operator know what distance they should move.

It involves the banksman indicating a distance with their palms facing each other, and moving the palms away or towards each other to indicate increasing or decreasing distance.

The banksman hand signal horizontal distance


The danger signal is used when a safety risk has arisen during the manoeuvre and so the driver or operator needs to perform an emergency stop.

It involves the banksman raising both their arms upwards above their heads, with palms facing outwards. The arms should be slightly bent at the elbow (not fully extended in a V shape).

The banksman hand signal danger


The stop signal is used to indicate to the driver or operator that they should stop the vehicle. Unlike the danger signal, this doesn’t require the driver to do an emergency stop, but rather they can come to a natural stop.

The signal involves the banksman raising their right hand upwards above their head, elbow slightly bent so the arm is not fully straight, with their palm facing outwards.

The banksman hand signal stop


The end signal is used to tell the driver or operator that they can stop the vehicle and end the manoeuvre.
It involves the banksman cupping their hands together in front of their chest.

The banksman hand signal end

Verbal signals are occasionally used by banksmen. However, these are less common than hand signals. They are sometimes used when directing manoeuvres for particularly large vehicles or mobile plant, where it is not possible for the banksman to stand in a position of safety when directing the vehicle using hand signals. Two-way, hands-free radios are often used for these verbal signals.

Key points to remember when using either hand or verbal signals are:

  • A clear system of signalling should be used.
  • Signals should be agreed in advance between the banksman and driver/operator.
  • The banksman should be visible to the driver/operator at all times.
  • The driver/operator should know to stop operations immediately if they can no longer see the banksman.
  • The banksman should never stand in the vehicles hazard’s areas (i.e. where there is restricted or vision for the driver or operator).

Why are Banksman Signals Important?

A banksman or traffic marshal is used to direct vehicle or mobile plant operations when other control measures are not sufficient to reduce the risks from the operations. It is therefore vital that the signals they use to communicate with the drivers or operators are clear, and that everyone is familiar with the signals that are being used.

Banksman and vehicle driver shaking hands and talking

For example, on a construction site, a banksman might be used to direct the operations of an excavator, ensuring that the area is free from pedestrians and that the operator is able to safety carry out manoeuvres.

There are a significant number of vehicle related accidents every year in workplaces. Ensuring control measures (potentially including the use of banksmen) are in place can help to minimise those risks. Good communication is an essential part of those controls.

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Want to Learn More?

Our Banksman Training is an awareness level course that helps learners understand how to fulfil their role of supporting safe vehicle and mobile plant operations.

As well as being familiar with the signals used to direct vehicle and mobile plant operations, banksmen must give clear instructions to any pedestrians in the area and any other workers in the vicinity of the operations.

For more information on the importance of good communication in construction, see our article What is Effective Communication in Construction?

Free Banksman Signals Poster

This poster includes the hand signals set out in the Signs and Signals Regulations. They are the most commonly used signals across Europe. However, as discussed earlier, any signals may be used, as long as everyone involved is aware of the signals and they are agreed in advance.

In workplaces where these commonly used signals are used by banksman, this poster can be displayed to act as a reminder of the signals. Practical training should also be provided on the use of the signals to ensure that everyone is aware of how the signals are used in practise and what they mean.

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What is ACOP L8 and How Does it Apply to Legionella? Mon, 18 Oct 2021 08:30:00 +0000 If you are a duty holder, it is important to be aware of and follow the ACOP L8 guidance. Learn about your responsibilities regarding Legionella here.

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Legionella is a type of bacteria that can seriously harm people’s health. Whilst it occurs at very low concentrations in natural water sources (e.g. rivers, lakes and reservoirs), it can also be found in man-made water systems. Inhaling small droplets of water contaminated with Legionella bacteria can cause a number of serious respiratory diseases. These include Pontiac fever, Lochgoilhead fever and, the most serious, Legionnaires’ disease. 

Shower head and pouring water

In this article, we will explain the responsibilities of duty holders regarding Legionella and health and safety, particularly in relation to the Approved Code of Practice L8.

What is ACOP L8?

Where water is used in a way which might result in a reasonable risk of exposure to Legionella, there are legal health and safety duties which must be met. The Health and Safety Executive’s Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) L8 gives advice and guidance on how to comply with your legal and regulatory responsibilities in relation to the control of Legionella.

These legal obligations are contained in:

  • The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974;
  • The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 2002; and 
  • The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.

ACOP L8 sets out practical guidance on how to meet these legal requirements. You do not have to follow the ACOP L8 guidance and can comply in an alternative way. However, by following the ACOP L8 guidance, your actions will be sufficient to fulfil your legal obligations. 

spa pool

What Guidance Does ACOP L8 Cover?

If you are a duty holder, employer or someone with responsibility for the control of premises e.g. a landlord, you have responsibilities to control and prevent the risk of exposure to Legionella. It is important to be aware of and follow the ACOP L8 guidance. This is both to ensure compliance with health and safety legislation in relation to the risk posed by Legionella and to demonstrate that compliance.

ACOP L8 helps duty holders to understand how to carry out a risk assessment and the key things to look for, as well as examples of control measures that can be implemented to mitigate those risks. Further information about carrying out a risk assessment and control measures is covered later in this article.

Additional technical guidance in relation to Legionella is available in the Health and Safety Executive’s Health and Safety Guidance publications and should be considered alongside ACOP L8:

shower head with running water
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Need Legionella Training?

Need training for Legionella and carrying out a risk assessment? High Speed Training provides an online Legionella and Legionnaires’ Awareness Training course, which is designed for duty holders and contains a module dedicated to carrying out a Legionella risk assessment.

Why is ACOP L8 Important?

ACOPs have a special legal status. You are not required by law to follow the guidance and can meet your statutory obligations in other ways. If, however, you are prosecuted for a breach of health and safety law, and it is shown that you failed to follow the relevant ACOP guidance, you will have to demonstrate that you complied in another way, or a court will find you at fault.

Although it doesn’t actually impose any legal obligations on duty holders, showing that you followed the guidance set out in the Approved Code of Practice provides protection in the event of prosecution under health and safety legislation in respect of the matters covered in the ACOP L8.

In order to comply with your legal duties, duty holders should:

  • Identify and assess sources of risk.
  • If appropriate, prepare a written scheme for preventing or controlling the risk.
  • Implement, manage and monitor precautions.
  • Keep records of the precautions.
  • Appoint a competent person with sufficient authority and knowledge of the installation to help take the measures needed to comply with the law.

ACOP L8 guidance covers the risk assessment, the role of the responsible person, potential control measures and review of those measures, as well as the obligations on those responsible for the supply of water systems.

Do I Need to Complete an ACOP L8 Legionella Risk Assessment?

All purpose-built water systems will require a risk assessment to be carried out. It’s your responsibility as a duty holder to ensure a competent person carries out that risk assessment. This may be you as duty holder (if you are competent to do so), or another person from your organisation or a consultancy service. 

Not all systems will require complex control measures, but a risk assessment will establish what the risks are and what measures are required to manage those risks.

The purpose of the assessment is to identify potential areas of risk within a system and:

  • Whether it is possible to avoid the risk of exposure to Legionella; or
  • Where that is not reasonably practicable, identify what suitable precautions can be taken to reduce the risk.

The risk assessment demonstrates that you have considered the possible risks and how to prevent or control those risks.

ACOP L8 gives examples of controls which may be appropriate to help prevent the growth of legionella bacteria, including:

  • Avoiding water temperatures between 20 °C and 45 °C (bacteria is most likely to grow at this temperature).
  • Avoiding water stagnation, which may encourage the growth of biofilm.
  • Avoiding materials that harbour bacteria or that provide a source of nutrients for the microbial growth.
  • Controlling the release of water spray.
  • Keeping the system and the water in the system clean.
  • Using water treatment techniques.
  • Taking action to ensure the correct and safe operation and maintenance of the water system.

Where there are five or more employees, a written record of the risk assessment must be recorded. However, it is good practice to keep a record, even if you are not required to do so.

The risk assessment should be reviewed regularly and any control measures put in place should be monitored to assess their effectiveness. 

In particular, the risk assessment should be reviewed if there are any changes that could affect it. For example:

  • New or altered processes or changes to the system.
  • Changes to key personnel.
  • New employees who need training.
  • A reported case of legionellosis linked to the system.

Any employees who may be exposed to Legionella, or who are involved in work that may expose others to Legionella, should be given suitable and sufficient information and training.

More information on carrying out a risk assessment and training is available in other articles on the Hub.

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