Safeguarding Children Archives | The Hub | High Speed Training Welcome to the Hub, the company blog from High Speed Training. Fri, 15 Mar 2024 10:42:07 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Working Together to Safeguard Children: Key Points and Changes Fri, 15 Mar 2024 09:30:00 +0000 Working Together to Safeguard Children provides statutory guidance for settings where work and activities relate to children. Explore the key elements here.

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Safeguarding is most effective when everyone works together to achieve excellent outcomes. If your role involves regular interaction with children, you must be familiar with the statutory guidance around safeguarding – a key piece of which is Working Together to Safeguard Children. This explains how to achieve best practice when working with children in various settings. When implemented effectively, it can help you to ensure robust safeguarding, with the welfare of children at the forefront of everything you do.

In this article, we will discuss the key elements of Working Together to Safeguard Children, covering some changes that came into effect in December 2023. 

What is Working Together to Safeguard Children (WTSC)?

Working Together to Safeguard Children (WTSC) provides statutory guidance for settings where work and activities relate to children. The guidance is issued by law, meaning time must be taken to understand and follow it. It is particularly relevant for settings where interactions with children are frequent, such as education and childcare providers (including the likes of sports and church groups), social services and local authorities. WTSC sits amongst other guidance and legislation, which you can read more about in our article here.

First introduced in 1999, Working Together to Safeguard Children has received various updates. Perhaps the most notable one was in 2006 as a result of the public inquiry into the death of Victoria Climbie. Victoria was transported to the UK by her Great Aunt, and following her death, it was discovered that Victoria had reached out to various agencies seeking help for the abuse she was suffering. The guidance was redrafted to address the mistakes which Victoria’s situation had highlighted.

Since then, it has been updated every few years. Each time, an overall aim is to strengthen how different agencies and organisations work together to achieve the best safeguarding arrangements for children. 

WTSC recognises that safeguarding is most effective when everyone involved works together collaboratively. The guidance highlights the importance of multi-agency working and outlines the value of involving the whole family in the process, including the child. Additionally, the guidance aims to clarify the roles and responsibilities of those working with children in various settings so that everyone knows how to keep the children in their care safe. 

The guidance is for anyone who interacts with children as part of their role or for any organisation whose functions relate to children in any way. A full list of sectors that must follow the guidance and remain informed of any updates or changes can be found here.

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High Speed Training offers various Safeguarding Courses to help you implement WTSC guidance alongside other key parts of safeguarding. These include Designated Safeguarding Lead Training, Introduction to Safeguarding Children and Advanced Safeguarding Children. 

Working Together to Safeguard Children: Key Points

The most recent version of the guidance is split into chapters which cover the following topics:

Chapter One: A Shared Responsibility

This chapter, newly introduced for the 2023 update, outlines how safeguarding should feature a child-centred approach, with the whole family remaining well-informed and involved. It sets out principles for working with parents and carers to build strong and trusting relationships and looks at how agencies are expected to collaborate, including sharing information. It also identifies the need for a strengths-based approach to effect positive change.

Chapter Two: Multi-Agency Safeguarding Arrangements

In this chapter, the roles and responsibilities of those working with children are outlined in more detail, including leadership roles and accountability. It looks at roles within various agencies alongside those in education, voluntary organisations and sports clubs. The chapter also examines how effective multi-agency working can be achieved alongside multi-agency safeguarding arrangements (MASA).

Chapter Three: Providing Help, Support and Protection

This chapter is split into three sections:

  • Section one: Early help. This section looks in particular at the role of education and childcare settings and examines how children in need of support can be identified.
  • Section two: Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. This section focuses on children in need or at risk, such as children with disabilities, children suffering abuse and young carers. The procedures for assessment, referral and providing support to meet the needs of the child and their families and achieve good outcomes are outlined in detail.
  • Section three: Child Protection. In this section, the national multi-agency practice standards for child protection are set out. It covers the entire process of creating a child protection plan.

Chapter Four: Organisational Responsibilities

Here, the list of organisations that must conform to this statutory guidance is examined in detail, outlining their specific roles and responsibilities. It examines practice guidelines specific to each setting and clarifies the expectations for effective safeguarding and child protection. It also looks at how allegations against those in ‘positions of trust’ should be dealt with, including considering their future suitability to work with children should they be dismissed from their post. The role of the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) is also outlined in relation to this.

Chapter Five: Learning From Serious Child Safeguarding Incidents

This chapter explains the responsibilities placed on local authorities to report safeguarding incidents. It includes guidance for Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panels, including the review process and subsequent reports. By reviewing serious safeguarding incidents, lessons can be learnt and future practice can be improved as a result.

Chapter Six: Child Death Reviews

The final chapter outlines the entire review process. It also examines the statutory requirements and responsibilities of child death review partners alongside the responsibilities of other organisations and agencies who have a role to play.

Recent Changes

The 2023 guidance update emphasises securing ‘positive, trusting and cooperative relationships’ with parents and carers. In all versions of WTSC, the importance of information sharing amongst agencies has been highlighted, and the most recent version recognises that improvements must be made to involve families more closely. It also explains the importance of considering the needs of the whole family. For example, families with English as an additional language (EAL) may require more specialist support to keep them involved and informed.

The new version of the guidance also outlines new roles within the local authority, the police and health services. It states that the head of each sector will be named the Lead Safeguarding Partner (LSP), and they must appoint a Delegated Safeguarding Partner (DSP).  It is expected that LSPs will form close relationships with representatives from the education sector, who should also be involved in any strategic decisions and planning.

The changes also include:

  • Guidance on considering the wider context of a child’s situation when making social care assessments.
  • New multi-agency practice standards to strengthen cooperation between services.
  • An explanation regarding a need for local authorities to appoint lead practitioners with the capabilities to act upon referrals by completing assessments and coordinating services.
  • An outline of the need for local authorities to appoint a Designated Social Care Officer (DSCO) to improve collaboration between social care services and the special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) system.
  • Revised guidance on improving provision for disabled children and their families.
  • Guidance on recognising and responding to risk of harm to children outside the home.

You can read more about the 2023 changes and access the full guidance here.

If your role involves working with children in any capacity, safeguarding must be at the forefront of your mind and following statutory guidance is essential. Confidence in your roles and responsibilities will allow you to carry out your duties effectively, ensuring the children in your care and their families feel safe and supported.

Further Resources:

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Internet Gaming Safety: Tips for Parents Wed, 06 Mar 2024 11:13:56 +0000 Internet gaming is becoming increasingly popular for children and young people. Do you know the benefits and risks? Find our advice for parents here.

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Online gaming is one of the fastest growing markets in the entertainment industry, with the number of people participating in internet gaming and the revenue generated by the sector increasing rapidly each year. Currently, at the start of 2024, there are approximately 3.32 billion active video gamers worldwide; a figure that has risen by over 1 billion in only eight years.

But with this rise in popularity also comes an increasingly pressing conversation around the safety risks involved in gaming online, particularly as almost a quarter of online gamers are under the age of 18. 

In this article, we will explain what online gaming is, explain some of the risks involved in internet gaming as well as the potential benefits for young people, and provide advice for parents or carers on how to keep children safe whilst playing online.

Young boy online gaming

What is Online Gaming?

An online game is one which is partially or primarily played via the internet, and often offers online interactions with other players. These can be played on a variety of platforms such as a PC, games console (for example, Playstation, Xbox, Wii, Nintendo Switch) or mobile devices. 

Whilst there are countless options of online games available to play, some are particularly popular and are well-known amongst the wider public as well as within gaming communities. Examples of some of the most popular internet games include:

  • Fortnite.
  • Among Us.
  • Rocket League.
  • Roblox.
  • Minecraft.
  • The Sims.

The popularity of online games has been rising since its introduction in the 1990’s with the release of widespread internet access making online gaming possible. The industry has seen extraordinary expansion in the last 5 years however as many people took up online gaming during the COVID-19 pandemic to escape boredom and isolation during the lockdowns. 

What are the Risks of Online Gaming?

With online gaming becoming an increasingly popular pastime amongst children and young adults, it’s important for parents and educators to keep in mind that there are some undeniable risks associated with internet gaming that are important to consider. 

With the right guidance, however, children and their parents can be aware of these potential dangers and take the necessary steps to help avoid them. You can test your current knowledge of online safeguarding concerns with our Online Safety and Harms Quiz

A group of children on their phones

A few of the main risks that you should be aware of, are:

Online game addiction

Whilst it’s common for many parents to think their child spends too much time in the online world, online gaming can become a legitimate addiction. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has now added ‘gaming’ into their list of ‘disorders due to addictive behaviours’ along with other addictive substances and activities such as drugs, alcohol and gambling.

As with any hobby, those that enjoy online gaming will do so enthusiastically and therefore may desire to play for longer or more frequently to prolong this sense of joy. But how can you know whether this surpasses a ‘normal’ or healthy level? 

Some key signs that a child’s gaming may have become more than just a hobby are:

  • They feel regularly exhausted and disengaged.
  • They are unable to concentrate.
  • They prioritise internet gaming over essential activities such as eating or sleeping.
  • They only socialise online and find ‘in-person’ interactions difficult and unenjoyable.
  • They no longer participate in other interests.

These behaviours can lead a child or young person to develop negative emotions such as anger, anxiety, or depression. 

Cyber Bullying

Cyberbullying within online gaming refers to the act of intentionally harassing, intimidating, or threatening other players within the gaming community.

For many young people, the anonymity of online gaming and its separation from the ‘real world’ is comforting. It can be liberating to escape into a space where your circumstances and past are largely unknown. 

A child on her phone

This anonymity can also be dangerous, however. As with any form of cyberbullying, some players can take advantage of being able to hide behind a screen to bully others online with the sense that they’re unable to be caught if their identity is unknown. 

Although cyberbullying can take many forms, there are some actions which are specific to online gaming. These include “whispering”, where cyber bullies target players with harmful messages either directly or in public chat channels.  Sadly, there are even some people, known as “griefers”, who play online games specifically with the intent to ruin the experience for other people, finding satisfaction in harassing other players and using aspects of the game in unintended ways to prevent their progress. To learn more about cyberbullying and how to prevent or report it, read our article on the dangers of cyberbullying.

Malware and Viruses

Often, online games contain paid content, or you have to purchase the game itself to play. For children, it can be tempting to avoid these costs by trying to find free or cheaper versions of the game online via cheat codes or third-party sellers. This is risky, however, as these unofficial versions are often infected with viruses or malware that, when downloaded, can damage your computer or impact your privacy. Once malware is on your device, hackers are able to steal your personal information.

Additionally, hackers may access your personal information through phishing scams. They may create fake login pages for games or send phishing emails that can trick a child into entering their account information, which the hackers can then use to gain access to your account and personal details. 

In-game purchases

An increasingly common way for developers to fund their game creations is to offer the base game for free, but then charge for in-game content such as characters or items. These are designed to make players want to continue playing the game but requiring payments to enable them to do so. Whilst these charges may individually be small, they can quickly add up and a child may not be fully aware of the costs they’re accruing. Recent reports show that almost half of parents of children aged 12 to 15 who play online games are worried about the pressure on children to make in-game purchases. This has increased from just four in 10 the previous year.   

A child online gaming

Talking to Strangers

Similarly to the risk of cyber-bullying, the social aspect of online gaming can put children at risk of forming damaging relationships online. Many games are designed to be played in teams or against other people and thus children can be playing and communicating with players from many different locations, ages, and backgrounds. Linked to online gaming, other platforms such as Discord or Reddit also provide the opportunity to find and speak to other players with similar interests. The anonymity behind an online presence, however, means that children could be at risk of grooming, online abuse, or forming relationships with people who could have ill intent. 

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Our Online Safety and Harms course teaches you everything you need to know about the potential online risks and harms children face, how to recognise signs that might indicate online harm or abuse, and how to effectively address online safety.

Benefits of Online Gaming

Although the risks of internet gaming are important, they can be managed effectively to help ensure a child can enjoy their online play safely. In fact, if safety risks are controlled, there are many benefits of online gaming that can have a positive impact on children. 

Some of these many benefits are listed below.

Developing Brain Capacity and Thinking Skills

There are many online games which contain educational elements that can help support a child’s development and intellect. Some games, such as Times Table Rockstars, are even used within schools as a learning aid as they offer a more engaging form of teaching for younger children than traditional methods. 

Furthermore, online games can enhance a child’s memory, brain speed and concentration. Many internet games involve elements of problem solving and multitasking which help the brain process information quicker, improves attention to detail, and speeds up reaction times. 

A young boy using laptop

Helping to Manage Emotions

A popular format for online games is to move through different levels, which increase in difficulty, or win awards by completing specific tasks and overcoming obstacles. Often, players may find themselves having to repeat the same action multiple times, learning from past mistakes in order to succeed. The process of playing games with this format teaches children how to deal with setbacks and persevere towards a goal despite disappointment, helping to develop beneficial personal skills such as resilience and patience.

Building Social Skills

When playing with trusted peers, multiplayer online games are greatly effective at helping children to nurture relationships and build vital social skills. Online gaming creates shared moments and victories, as well as building teamwork skills, that can help bring existing friendships closer and build new social bonds. Furthermore, the shared collaborative experience of gaming enables children to learn from each other and build personal confidence. 

Promoting Healthy Competition

For children who may not be interested in other typical avenues of competition, such as sports, online gaming can be an equally successful way to gain the benefits of healthy competition amongst children. As online games are often played against each other, they offer a great way to allow children to express competitive urges. 

Competition is healthy for children, providing a powerful motivator to work hard and succeed, as well as directing children to admire skill, talent and expertise. 

A young girl gaming online

Sparking Creativity

Online games are highly visual, often involving imaginary worlds which are based in fantasy or science fiction. For children, immersing themselves in these imaginary environments can help to spark their own creativity and inspire ideas of their own. Many internet games also promote creativity directly as they often involve designing your own characters or environments. For example, the popular online game The Sims is entirely based around building your own characters and houses and choosing how they develop through ‘life’, including choosing careers, relationships, and hobbies for your Sims. 

There are many different reasons why children enjoy online gaming, but the most common reasons are that it provides an opportunity to stay engaged with their friends, eases boredom, allows an escape from the uncertainty of the real world, and provides feelings of success or achievement when they ‘win’ or level-up within a game. For all of these reasons, online gaming can provide a fun, sociable, and mentally stimulating outlet for children and young people.

Online Gaming Advice for Parents

For many parents, online gaming is something that they haven’t experienced or grown up with themself, and thus there are understandably many suspicions and concerns surrounding children spending time playing online. In fact, a recent survey commissioned by the NSPCC revealed that two in five parents say they are worried about digital devices or technology negatively affecting their children’s physical or mental health.

To ease these concerns, there are many steps that parents can take to monitor their child’s internet gaming activity and ensure they’re able to play safely online. 

Take an Active Interest

The more parents know about the online games that their child likes to play, the better equipped they are to identify potential risks and set boundaries. What’s more, as with any other hobby, taking an active interest in your child’s favourite online games will help them to feel more close and connected to you and help deepen your understanding of them. Our Parent’s Guide to Social Media helps you to learn more about the online spaces that are most popular amongst children and young people today. 

Parent and child gaming

Find Out Who They Play With Online

As a parent, you wouldn’t let your child meet up and socialise in-person with people without knowing who they are, and the same should apply with online socialisation. Ask your child who they play games with online and talk about what kind of topics are discussed and what language is used during play. Furthermore, it’s important to ensure your child knows how to report abusive or anti-social behaviour online so that they’re equipped to protect themself against cyber-bullying in gaming and don’t fall victim to inappropriate behaviour from other players. 

Use Aeroplane Mode to Avoid Accidental Purchases

Some online games, once downloaded, can be played without being connected to the internet. For younger children, it may be a good idea to turn on ‘aeroplane mode’ on the device on which the game will be played. This prevents children from being able to make any purchases online or connect to online chat functions, which enables them to experience the joy of gaming without being vulnerable to some of the principal risks associated with playing online. 

Use Ratings to Choose Age-Appropriate Games

All games come with a suggested age rating which gives parents a good idea of whether the content included in the game is suitable for the player. Most games will have a PEGI (Pan-European Game Information) rating, which will be displayed as one of the following:

  • PEGI 3 – suitable for all ages.
  • PEGI 7 – suitable for young children.
  • PEGI 12 – suitable for children 12 and over.
  • PEG 16 – suitable for children 16 and over.
  • PEGI 18 – Only suitable for adults.
Parent and child talking about online safety

Alternatively, if a game is purchased from the App Store or Google Play store, they will contain a similar form of rating stating which age the game is suitable to play from (for example, 9+, 12+ or 17+). 

These age ratings give parents a good guide as to which games they should or shouldn’t purchase for their child, as well as providing peace of mind that the content their child is consuming is safe and suitable. 

Agree Digital Boundaries

Studies have shown that video game addiction leads to changes in the brain that are similar to those that occur in substance addiction and gambling. Therefore, it’s important for parents to agree boundaries with their child around how long they’re allowed to play online for and who they’re able to play with. 

Having an open conversation about the risks of spending too much time online and reminding children that people can hide behind fake profiles and may not be who they say they are will help them to understand the reason behind having set boundaries. It may also increase their acceptance of these limitations. To learn more, read our article about how to explain internet safety to children.

Encourage Critical Thinking

One of the best ways to help protect your children from the risks of online gaming is to equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to keep themselves safe. Teaching children how to protect themselves online, such as reminding them not to share any personal information and how to identify a potential scam, will enable parents to give their child more freedom to enjoy online gaming independently without having to constantly worry about the dangers. 

Gaming controller

Online Gaming is becoming an increasingly popular pastime for children and young people, so it’s important for parents to have the knowledge needed to protect their child from the risks associated with playing online. Whilst internet gaming may leave children vulnerable to dangers such as online scams, cyber-bullying and addiction, these can be effectively managed with the right knowledge and input from parents. Whilst these risks can often create bias against online gaming, it’s important to remember that there are myriad of benefits associated with internet gaming too which can have vastly positive effects on children’s confidence, brain power and socialisation.

Further Resources:

The post Internet Gaming Safety: Tips for Parents appeared first on The Hub | High Speed Training.

Safeguarding Children Legislation: Guidance for Schools Wed, 14 Feb 2024 08:00:00 +0000 It's vital to remain informed about key legislation and statutory safeguarding guidance as it evolves. Find a summary for schools here.

The post Safeguarding Children Legislation: Guidance for Schools appeared first on The Hub | High Speed Training.

If you work or volunteer with or around children, such as in a school setting, you have important safeguarding responsibilities. In order to properly fulfil your safeguarding duties, you need to understand what the law requires and keep up to date with any amendments or changes to it.

In order to make guidance as clear as possible, and to continually strengthen safeguarding procedures, the government frequently revisits and updates safeguarding statutory guidance documents. As a result, it can be difficult to keep track of new requirements and how they impact your role. In this article, we will provide a summary of key legislation and statutory safeguarding guidance for schools.

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Key Legislation in Schools

Working Together to Safeguard Children, one of the key statutory guidance documents for schools (which we shall look at later), defines safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children as: 

  • Providing help and support to meet the needs of children as soon as problems emerge.
  • Protecting children from maltreatment, within and outside the home and online. 
  • Preventing impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development. 
  • Ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care.
  • Promoting the upbringing of children with their birth parents, or otherwise their family network wherever possible and where this is in the child’s best interest.
  • Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes according to the outcomes set out in the Children’s Social Care National Framework.

There are several pieces of important legislation that contribute to the aims above, and influence policy and procedures regarding safeguarding children and young people. In the drop downs below, we give a brief summary of each law and its implications for safeguarding in schools.

The Children Act 1989drop down menu

This was a revolutionary piece of legislation when it was implemented, as it completely reformed the law relating to children. This Act formed the basis of the current child protection system in England, and layed out the duties and responsibilities of all involved.  

Some of the key principles that The Act established include:

  • The concept of parental responsibility.
  • The need for the child’s welfare to be the primary concern when a matter under the Act is before a court.
  • The need to take the child’s feelings and wishes into account.
  • The notion that children are best looked after by their family unless intervention in family life is essential.

The Act set out the duty of Local Authorities to promote and safeguard the welfare of children in their area. This included a responsibility to ‘promote the child’s educational achievement.’ It also introduced the concepts of children in need and children at risk of significant harm, which are key to ensuring children are appropriately safeguarded and given the level of support relevant to their needs. 

A child in need is defined under the Children Act 1989 as: ‘a child who is unlikely to achieve or maintain a reasonable level of health or development, or whose health and development is likely to be significantly or further impaired, without the provision of services; or a child who is disabled.’

Significant harm takes into account many different factors, including:

  • The severity of ill-treatment.
  • The duration and frequency of abuse and/or neglect.
  • The extent of pre-meditation.
  • The ability of those with parental responsibility to protect the child.

Section 17 of the Act put a duty on the local authority to provide services to children in need in their area.

You may have heard the term section 47 with regards to child protection concerns. This refers to circumstances where a Local Authority is required to carry out an investigation as there is ‘reasonable cause to suspect that a child who lives, or is found, in their area is suffering, or is likely to suffer, significant harm’. The aim of this is to decide whether any action needs to be taken to safeguard the child. This is covered in Section 47 of the Children Act, hence the term.

The Act also covered the functions of Local Authorities in relation to looked after children. This included a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children in their care.

You can access the full act, which includes updates, here.

The Children Act 2004drop down menu

This Act is a development from and amended the Children Act 1989. It provides the legal basis for how social services and other agencies deal with issues relating to children. The principles of the Act are to allow students to be healthy, remain safe, enjoy life, succeed and make a positive contribution.

Following the inquiry into the murder of Victoria Climbié by Lord Laming, the Children Act 2004 made a number of key changes to the child protection framework. (Further changes were then made by the Children and Social Work Act 2017, which amended the 2004 Act in a number of areas).

The Act reinforced that safeguarding children and promoting their welfare, is the responsibility of all people and organisations working with children

According to a House of Commons briefing (2020), the 2004 Act (as amended), among other things:

  • Places a duty on Local Authorities in England to make arrangements to promote cooperation with key partners and local agencies, in order to improve the wellbeing of children in that area.
  • Places a duty on a range of agencies, including Local Authorities, the police and health services, to ensure that they consider the need to safeguard and promote the welfare of children when carrying out their functions.
  • Establishes the roles and responsibilities of safeguarding partners (the local authority, NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups and the police), which are responsible for determining how safeguarding arrangements should work in their area

The Act also introduced the role of the Children’s Commissioner for England, who is responsible for championing children’s views and interests, in order to promote their welfare. The role’s statutory remit includes ‘understanding what children and young people think about things that affect them and encouraging decision makers to always take their best interests into account’. 

Further information about the Children’s Commissioner, and their work, can be found here.

You can access the Children Act 2004 here.

Children and Social Work Act 2017drop down menu

This Act is concerned with provision for looked after children, other provision in relation to the welfare of children, and the regulation of social workers.

It had four main purposes, which were:

  • To improve decision making, and support for looked after and previously looked after children in England and Wales.
  • To improve joint work at the local level to safeguard children, and enable better learning at the local and national levels to improve practice in child protection.
  • To promote the safeguarding of children by providing for relationships and sex education in schools.
  • To enable the establishment of a new regulatory regime specifically for the social work profession in England.

This Act includes the requirement for governing bodies in maintained schools and academies to designate a staff member of staff for previously looked after children. This designated staff member is responsible for promoting the education achievement of those previously looked after pupils within the school.

The Education Act 1996drop down menu

This Act covered a wide range of content relating to statutory education including, amongst other things, defining the stages of education, compulsory school age, the function of the Secretary of State, and roles and responsibilities of the Local Authorities.

It also detailed the requirement that parents (or those with parental responsibility) must ensure that their children of compulsory school age receive appropriate full-time education suitable to their age, ability, aptitude and any special educational needs. This can be by regular attendance at school, at alternative provision, or otherwise (e.g. the parent can choose to educate their child at home). 

You can access the full Act here.

The Education Act 2002drop down menu

This legislation sets out duties and responsibilities for schools in regards to safeguarding children. The Act requires anyone working with children and young people to share information or concerns in relation to a child’s safety and wellbeing.

Section 175 of this Act sets out a requirement for maintained schools, including nursery, early years and further education providers, to make arrangements to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. The roles and responsibilities of schools have also been enhanced and reinforced through publications, such as Keeping Children Safe in Education (which we will look at later in the article).

These provisions are equally applicable to free schools, academies and private providers under the Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2014, and the Non-Maintained Special Schools (England) Regulations 2015. 

The Education and Training (Welfare of Children) Act 2021 extends this welfare duty to 16-19 academies, special post-16 institutions and independent training providers.

You can access the full Act here.

Education and Skills Act 2008drop down menu

This Act raised the minimum age at which children could leave education. It contains measures to encourage more young people to participate in learning post-16 and to achieve higher levels of skill and qualification.

The Act:

  • Raised the age young people stay in education or training until from 16 to 18
  • Places a duty on young people to participate and on parents to assist their children to participate in such education or training.
  • Sets out duties on employers to release young people for the equivalent of one day a week to undertake training elsewhere (where the employer does not provide their own training)
  • Requires Local Authorities to assess the education and training needs of young people aged 16-19 with special educational needs.

You can access the full Act here.

The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006drop down menu

The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (SVGA) 2006 was passed to help avoid harm, or risk of harm, by preventing people who are deemed unsuitable to work with children and vulnerable adults from gaining access to them through their work. The Independent Safeguarding Authority was established as a result of this Act. 

The Act ensures safer recruitment by providing a system for employers to check the suitability of potential employees or volunteers who will be working with children or vulnerable adults. It covers DBS requirements and essentially prevents unsuitable people from gaining access through work. This act clarifies what is considered regulated activity, and therefore subject to such checks.

You can access the full Act here.

The Equality Act 2010drop down menu

The Equality Act brought together a range of anti-discriminatory laws, and covers all of Great Britain. 

It offers protection from discrimination, harassment and victimisation for nine specific personal characteristics. These are known as protected characteristics under the law.

The nine protected characteristics are:

  • Age.
  • Disability.
  • Gender reassignment.
  • Marriage and civil partnership.
  • Pregnancy and maternity.
  • Race.
  • Religion or belief.
  • Sex.
  • Sexual orientation.

The Act makes it unlawful for a school to discriminate against, harass or victimise a pupil or potential pupil. This includes:

  • In relation to admissions.
  • In the way that it provides education for pupils.
  • In the way that it provides pupils access to any benefit, facility or service.
  • By excluding a pupil or subjecting them to any other detriment. 

Schools should also carefully consider how they are supporting their pupils and students with regard to particular protected characteristics. Provisions within the Act allow schools and colleges to take proportionate, positive action, to deal with particular disadvantages affecting students with a particular protected characteristic. This includes a duty to make reasonable adjustments for disabled children and young people (including those with long term conditions). Positive action could also include providing support for a group of students who share a protected characteristic. 

State-funded schools and colleges are subject to The Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) found in the Equality Act. 

The PSED means that schools and colleges have a duty to 

  • Have due regard to the need to eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation (and any other conduct prohibited under the Equality Act). 
  • Advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between those who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not. 

This applies to all protected characteristics and equality implications should be taken into account whenever significant decisions are being made or policies developed. The PSED helps schools and colleges to focus on key issues of concern and improving pupil and student outcomes, being mindful that some pupils or students may be more at risk of harm from specific issues such as sexual violence, homophobic, biphobic or transphobic bullying or racial discrimination (KSCIE, 2022). 

You can access the Equality Act 2010 here, and DfE guidance, The Equality Act 2010 and Schools here

The Children and Families Act 2014drop down menu

This Act seeks to improve services for vulnerable children and support strong families. It underpins wider reforms to ensure that all students and young people can succeed, no matter what their background. It deals with a variety of subjects, from childcare at home to special educational needs (SEN) in schools and issues around adoption.

You can access the full Act here.

Human Rights Act 1998drop down menu

The Human Rights Act protects, amongst other things, the right to education. Article 2 of the first protocol states that no-one should be denied the right to education. It also states that, ‘in the exercise of any functions which it assumes in relation to education and to teaching, the State shall respect the right of parents to ensure such education and teaching in conformity with their own religious and philosophical convictions.’

The Equality and Human Rights Commission elaborates further on the implications of these rights, as follows:

  • The right to education does not give you the right to learn whatever you want, wherever you want. 
  • The courts have ruled that the right to education relates to the education system that already exists. 
  • It does not require the government to provide or subsidise any specific type of education.
  • The government is allowed to regulate the way education is delivered. For example, it can pass laws making education compulsory or imposing health and safety requirements on schools. 
  • Schools are allowed to use admission policies so long as they are objective and reasonable.
  • Although parents have a right to ensure their religious or philosophical beliefs are respected during their children’s education, this is not an absolute right. As long as these beliefs are properly considered, an education authority can depart from them provided there are good reasons and it is done objectively, critically and caters for a diversity of beliefs and world views.

As well as the rights that are specific to education, a range of other Human Rights may also be applicable in an education context, such as:

  • Article 3  – No person shall be subjected to torture or inhuman treatment or punishment.
  • Article 5 – Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person except in a number of defined circumstances.
  • Article 6 – Everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal.
  • Article 8 – Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, home and his correspondence.
  • Article 9 – Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience or religion.
  • Article 10 – Everyone has the right to freedom of expression.
  • Article 14 – Prohibition of discrimination.

You can access the full Act here.

Children and Young Persons Act 2008drop down menu

The purpose of this Act was to reform the statutory framework for the care system in England and Wales.  The Act also includes provisions in relation to wellbeing of children and young people, private fostering, child death notification to Local Safeguarding Children Boards and appropriate national authorities and applications for the discharge of Emergency Protection Orders.

With regards to education, the Government includes the following key points in their summary of the Act. The Act:

  • Placed a duty on governing bodies of maintained schools to designate a member of staff as having responsibility for promoting the educational achievement of registered pupils at the school who are looked after.
  • Extended the duty on Local Authorities to appoint a personal adviser and keep the pathway plan under regular review to young people who are former relevant children (i.e. care leavers who are over 18) and who start or resume a programme of education or training after the age of 21 but under the age of 25 years.
  • Required Local Authorities to pay a bursary to a former relevant child who goes on to Higher Education.
  • Added the provision of short breaks for those who care for disabled children, and services to support family contact for children who are provided with accommodation under health or education legislation, to the range of services that local authorities must provide for children and their families.

You can access the full act here.

Sexual Offences Act 2003drop down menu

This Act made new provision about sexual offences, their prevention and the protection of children from harm from other sexual acts, and for connected purposes.

The full act can be found here.

You might want to read our Hub article, How To Respond To Harmful Sexual Behaviour.

Voyeurism (Offences) Act 2019drop down menu

Sometimes referred to as the anti-voyeurism act, this act made ‘upskirting’ an offence. 

The Voyeurism (Offences) Act 2019 created two new offences under the Sexual Offences Act 2003, ‘criminalising someone who operates equipment or records an image under another person’s clothing (without that person’s consent or a reasonable belief in their consent) with the intention of viewing, or enabling another person to view, their genitals or buttocks (with or without underwear), where the purpose is to obtain sexual gratification or to cause humiliation, distress or alarm.’

This was reflected in the 2019 updates to the Keeping Children Safe in Education statutory safeguarding guidance.

You can access the full act here.

Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015drop down menu

The Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 contains a duty on schools, colleges and other specified authorities, to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.

The core tasks of the Prevent Duty are:

  • To tackle the causes of radicalisation and be responsive to the ideological challenges of terrorism.
  • To safeguard and support those most at risk, through early intervention and ongoing support.
  • To enable those already engaged in terrorism to disengage and rehabilitate. 

DfE guidance regarding the Prevent duty for schools can be found here and you can find further information in our Hub article Prevent Training: What Do I Need To Know? You can access the full act here.

Serious Crime Act 2015drop down menu

This Act effected a number of proposals set out in the 2013 Serious and Organised Crime Strategy. It built upon existing criminal and civil law.

In relation to safeguarding children, the act introduced measures to enhance the protection of vulnerable children and others, including by strengthening the law to tackle female genital mutilation (FGM) and domestic abuse. 

Amongst other things, the act:

  • Extended the scope of serious crime prevention orders and gang injunctions.
  • Clarified the offence of child cruelty, to cover cruelty which causes psychological suffering or injury, as well as physical harm.
  • Replaced outdated references to child prostitution and child pornography in the Sexual Offences Act 2003.
  • Introduced a new offence of sexual communication with a child.
  • Created a new offence making it illegal to possess paedophile manuals.
  • Criminalised patterns of repeated or continuous coercive or controlling behaviour against an intimate partner or family member.

In addition, with specific reference to female genital mutilation (FGM), the Act sought to help stop FGM and protect victims. It:

  • Extended the extra-territorial reach of the offences in the Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003 so that they apply to habitual as well as permanent UK residents.
  • Introduced a new offence of failing to protect a girl from risk of FGM.
  • Granted lifelong anonymity to victims.
  • Brought in a civil order (FGM protection orders) to protect potential victims.
  • Introduced a duty on healthcare professionals, teachers and social care workers, to notify the police of known cases of FGM carried out on a girl under 18.

You can access the full act here.

Statutory Safeguarding Guidance

As well as Acts of law, the government issues further statutory guidance regarding safeguarding children and young people. These documents contain guidance which schools must follow, in addition to guidance that schools should follow. The expectation from the government is that schools would need justification for not following any good practice guidance marked ‘should’ but that it is a legal requirement to comply with anything marked ‘must’ (no justification would be acceptable for not complying with those). 

The key documents which you need to be aware of are:

  • Working Together to Safeguard Children
  • Keeping Children Safe in Education

These documents are updated at intervals, so it is crucial that you familiarise yourself with the current guidelines and keep up on top of any key changes. Doing so will enable you to make any necessary amends to your safeguarding policies or implement new procedures in your organisation, so you can continue to keep children safe from harm.

We will look at these key statutory documents below, providing you with a summary for each and signposting you to the most current versions.

Working Together to Safeguard Children (WTSC)

The Working Together to Safeguard Children statutory guidance document sets out the responsibilities that all organisations in England must fulfil to safeguard children and young people (which applies to anyone under the age of 18).

Last updated in 2023, it is aimed at everyone who comes into contact with children and sets out the concept that every agency, organisation and individual is responsible for working together to safeguard children.

The most recent update seeks to clarify the roles and responsibilities of those working with children and emphasises the need for strong multi-agency collaboration. It also highlights the importance of involving the whole family in the process of safeguarding, including the child themself.

Working Together to Safeguard Children is split into chapters which cover the following topics:

  • Chapter One: A Shared Responsibility – this new chapter, introduced in 2023, includes expectations for multi-agency working and principles for building strong relationships with parents and carers.
  • Chapter Two: Multi-Agency Safeguarding Arrangements – this chapter clarifies the roles and responsibilities of those who regularly work with children. 
  • Chapter Three: Providing Help, Support and Protection – this chapter focuses on how early help can be delivered in education and childcare settings before examining how a broader range of organisations can contribute to the welfare of children. 
  • Chapter Four: Organisational Responsibilities – this chapter emphasises the importance of effective information sharing across all organisations involved in safeguarding children.
  • Chapter Five: Learning from Serious Child Safeguarding Incidents – this chapter examines what can be learnt from unfortunate cases so that safeguarding can be improved in the future.
  • Chapter Six: Child Death Reviews – this chapter examines the responsibilities of those involved in child death reviews.

Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE)

All education settings (including schools, colleges and state maintained nurseries) must follow the statutory guidance set out in Keeping Children Safe in Education.  Keeping Children Safe in Education clearly explains how to fulfil your safeguarding duties and promote the welfare of children. Like in Working Together, here ‘children’ refers to anyone under the age of 18.

This statutory document is split into sections. These may change slightly between amended versions (although the core subjects covered will remain the same). For the guidance which comes into effect from 1 September 2023, the sections are as follows:

  • Part One: Safeguarding information for all staff.
  • Part Two: The management of safeguarding.
  • Part Three: Safer recruitment.
  • Part Four: Allegations made against/concerns raised in relation to teachers, including supply teachers, other staff, volunteers and contractors.
  • Part Five: Child-on-child sexual violence and sexual harrassment.
  • Annex A: Safeguarding information for school and college staff.
  • Annex B: Further information.
  • Annex C: Role of the designated safeguarding lead.
  • Annex D: Host families – homestay during exchange visits.
  • Annex E: Statutory guidance – regulated activity (children) – supervision of activity with children which is regulated activity when unsupervised.
  • Annex F: Table of substantive changes from previous version

Current guidance states that everyone who works with children read at least Part One of the guidance, and that those who do not work directly with children read either Part One or the condensed version found in Annex A of the guidance. It is the responsibility of the governing bodies or proprietors, along with the designated safeguarding lead to make sure that this happens.

Over recent years, this guidance has been updated and amended almost annually. You can keep up to date with key amendments by accessing our Hub article, Keeping Children Safe in Education: Key Changes.

Hopefully this summary has helped you to recognise where the key elements of our safeguarding and child protection policies and procedure have their basis. By remaining informed about legislation and statutory guidance as it evolves, you can make sure that your policies and practices are in line with requirements.

Further Resources:

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Recognising the Signs of Dyslexia in Children Thu, 14 Dec 2023 09:30:00 +0000 Recognising the signs of dyslexia is crucial for parents and educators to provide support and interventions. Learn about the signs of dyslexia in children here.

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Dyslexia is a neurodevelopmental disorder predominantly affecting a person’s ability to read, write, and spell accurately by affecting their ability to process and remember information. Dyslexia is recognised as a learning disability and aspects of dyslexia may be seen in language skills, motor coordination, mental calculation, concentration and personal organisation.

In this article, we will cover what dyslexia is, how to spot the various indicators of dyslexia in different age groups of children and what to do if you suspect your child has Dyslexia.

What is Dyslexia in Children?

Dyslexia in children often involves difficulties with word recognition, spelling, and decoding abilities. The challenges faced by children with dyslexia are primarily associated with problems in phonological processing. 

Diagnosis can be difficult until a child shows definitive, long-term signs. It may go undiagnosed well into teen years or adulthood; some people with dyslexia may even hide their difficulties, meaning that they don’t receive the necessary support. It is important to note that dyslexia is not related to intelligence; individuals with dyslexia often have average or above-average intelligence.

Understanding the signs of dyslexia is crucial for parents and educators to provide timely support and interventions, setting the foundation for effective learning strategies that are tailored to the child’s needs.

A dyslexic child getting support from an educator

Dyslexia in Toddlers

Identifying signs of dyslexia in toddlers (ages 2 to 4) requires a keen observation of early language and literacy development. While variations in individual development are natural, certain indicators may suggest the need for closer attention to potential dyslexic traits in toddlers, such as:

  • Delayed Speech Development: Toddlers with dyslexia may exhibit slower speech development than their peers, struggling with acquiring and pronouncing words.
  • Rhyming Challenges: Difficulty engaging in rhyming games or recognising rhyming words is a potential early sign as phonological awareness develops during these formative years.
  • Limited Interest in Alphabet Activities: A reduced interest or reluctance to engage with alphabet-related activities, such as learning the names of letters or associating them with sounds, may be indicative.
  • Difficulty Remembering Words: Toddlers with dyslexia may have trouble remembering and recalling familiar words, impacting early vocabulary development.
  • Speech Sound Errors: Pronunciation challenges, including persistent speech sound errors, may be noticeable as the toddler attempts to communicate verbally.
  • Delayed Motor Skills: Dyslexic toddlers might also display delayed fine motor skills, affecting activities like holding a crayon or pencil, which can be linked to challenges in letter formation later on.

It’s essential to approach these signs with sensitivity and recognise that variations in development are to be expected. However, if multiple signs persist or become more pronounced over time, consulting with a paediatrician or early childhood development specialist can provide valuable insights and guidance for further assessment and support. Early intervention plays a crucial role in mitigating the impact of dyslexia, enhancing the child’s overall language and literacy development.

Signs of Dyslexia in Kids

Dyslexia in kids aged 5 to 12 manifests as distinct challenges in acquiring foundational reading and writing skills. While each child develops at their own pace, certain signs may indicate potential dyslexic traits during these crucial formative years. Identifying signs of dyslexia in kids of this age involves recognising challenges in reading, writing, and language skills that may impede their academic progress. Here are specific signs to observe within this age range:

Reading and Writing Challenges drop down menu

    • Slow and Hesitant Reading: Dyslexic kids may read slowly and hesitantly, struggling to decode words and maintain fluency.

    • Difficulty Spelling: Persistent difficulties spelling common words and applying spelling rules accurately.

    • Phonics and Decoding Issues: Struggles with applying phonics rules to decode unfamiliar words, leading to reading comprehension challenges.

    • Inconsistent Reading Comprehension: Difficulty understanding and retaining information from reading materials, affecting overall comprehension.

Expressive Language Challenges drop down menu

    • Written Expression Issues: Challenges in organising thoughts coherently and expressing ideas in writing.

    • Avoidance of Writing Tasks: Reluctance to writing tasks, avoiding assignments requiring extended written expression.

    • Sentence Structure and Grammar: Dyslexic kids may struggle with sentence structure and grammar in their written work.

Behavioural and Emotional Signs drop down menu

    • Low Reading Engagement: A lack of interest in reading or choosing reading materials significantly below their age level.

    • Avoidance of Reading Aloud: Reluctance to read aloud in class or participate in activities that involve reading aloud.

    • Frustration and Low Self-Esteem: Persistent frustration with academic tasks and a decline in self-esteem related to perceived difficulties.

Social and Academic Impact drop down menu

    • Difficulty Following Instructions: Challenges in understanding and following multi-step instructions affecting academic tasks and classroom activities.

    • Peer Interaction Challenges: Dyslexic kids may face difficulties interacting with peers, especially in activities involving reading and writing.

Recognising these signs in the context of a child’s overall development is essential. Early intervention, specialised support, and collaboration between parents and educators can help to ensure a dyslexic child’s academic success and emotional well-being during these critical years.

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Looking to Learn More?

If you work closely with children and young people, it can help to have a deeper understanding of dyslexia and how it affects those you work with. Check out our Dyslexia Awareness Course to expand your knowledge on what dyslexia is and how to support in improving outcomes for children.

Signs of Dyslexia in Teens

Teens with dyslexia may face increased challenges as academic demands intensify. Identifying dyslexia in teenagers involves recognising reading, writing, and academic difficulties that impact their educational journey. Recognition during adolescence is crucial for tailored support. Here are specific signs to observe within the 13 to 18 age range:

Reading and Writing Challenges drop down menu

    • Reading Stamina: Dyslexic teens may exhibit slower reading and difficulty focusing on longer more complex texts.

    • Spelling Struggles: Continued challenges in spelling, with potential reliance on memorisation rather than consistent application of spelling rules.

    • Vocabulary Limitations: Impact on vocabulary development, leading to a more restricted and less diverse use of language.

Expressive Language Challenges drop down menu

    • Writing Organisation: Teens with dyslexia may face challenges in organising thoughts in writing, resulting in less structured and precise compositions.

    • Avoidance of Writing: Reluctance to engage in writing tasks that require extended expression of ideas, impacting academic assignments and assessments.

Behavioural and Emotional Signs drop down menu

    • Self-Esteem Impact: Persistent academic challenges may contribute to lower self-esteem than peers.

    • Frustration and Anxiety: Teens with dyslexia may experience heightened frustration and anxiety related to academic demands, especially in subjects requiring extensive reading and writing.

    • Public Speaking Concerns: Reluctance to read aloud or participate in activities involving public speaking due to concerns about reading difficulties.

Social and Academic Impact drop down menu

    • Task Coordination: Struggles in managing multiple tasks simultaneously, affecting performance in assignments requiring various skill coordination.

    • Social Interaction Dynamics: Dyslexic teens may encounter difficulties in social interactions, especially in group settings involving academic discussions.

Identifying these signs during the teenage years is crucial for providing tailored support and accommodations to help teens navigate academic challenges and promote their overall well-being.

What to Do if You Think Your Child Has Dyslexia

A professional supporting a child with dyslexia

If you suspect your child has dyslexia, seek professional evaluation. Educational psychologists or specialised assessment centres can provide a diagnosis. Support strategies include personalised academic plans, extra exam time, and specialised teaching methods. Schools may offer interventions, such as reading specialists or speech therapy. Additionally, parental involvement and fostering a positive attitude towards learning can significantly benefit children with dyslexia.

To find out more about supporting children with dyslexia in the classroom, take a look at our article: How to Help a Child with Dyslexia in the Classroom

Early identification and intervention are pivotal in empowering children with dyslexia to navigate educational challenges successfully. By understanding the signs and taking appropriate steps,
parents and educators can create a supportive environment for children with dyslexia to thrive.

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Understanding Children Missing Education (CME) Mon, 04 Dec 2023 09:30:00 +0000 Children who miss education are significantly disadvantaged. Learn how to recognise and respond to cases of children missing education (CME) here.

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Receiving a suitable and consistent education is essential for all children. Children grow academically, socially and emotionally during their schooling years. Learning is key, from developing communication skills and building meaningful friendships to understanding the world around them and gaining the qualifications needed to open doors to their future.

Despite the importance of education being clear, there are growing concerns about the number of children in the UK who are not attending school or receiving a suitable alternative provision. According to the Department for Education (DfE), data collected from local authorities estimated that in the year 2021/22, 94,900 children were missing education during the Autumn term. 

In this article, we will explain what is meant by children missing education (CME), outline the risks to children and discuss how you can safeguard CME in your setting.

What Does Children Missing Education (CME) Mean?

Children missing education (CME) are those of compulsory school age who are not, for whatever reason, receiving a suitable education. This means they are not registered to any school or educational setting, receiving recognised alternative provision or being educated appropriately at home.

Children who are missing education generally fall into two categories:

  • Children who are missing education but are known to the local authority. These children can be easier to manage as contact can be made with them or their families, and steps can be taken to get them back into education.
  • Children who are missing entirely and their whereabouts are unknown to the local authority. These situations are more challenging, as investigative steps must be taken to locate the child before further action can be taken.

Previously, Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) also referred to ‘children missing from education’. However, in 2023, they replaced this with ‘children who are absent from education for prolonged periods and/or repeated occasions’. You can read more about the key changes to this legislation in our article here.

KCSIE recognises that it’s not only children who are completely missing education but also those who have poor or inconsistent attendance who are disadvantaged. Concerns are that far too many children are out of school more than they are attending school. The Department for Education estimates that in Autumn 2022, this number was around 125,222. This figure has increased since the pandemic, with many children failing to return to school since they were forced to close.

There are many organisations and groups of people who work together in the hope of reducing the number of children who miss their education. These include school leaders and staff, governing bodies, health services, youth offending teams and the police. 

Most local authorities have a specific ‘Children Missing Education’ team, trained to respond to any referrals about children who have become a concern. They aim to follow lines of enquiries and investigate the whereabouts of these children, coordinating with other professionals and agencies. School staff obviously play a vital role in identifying and referring children missing education, as will be discussed later in this article. 

What are the Risks to Children Who Are Missing Education?

As we have highlighted, attending school and receiving an education has countless benefits for children. It is essential for their personal growth and development, and school also plays a vital role in safeguarding young people. Many children benefit from the structure and routine provided by their school day. School can be where some children feel safe and cared for the most. 

Schools also provide other key services outside the school day, such as breakfast clubs and extracurricular activities. Having a nutritious breakfast is essential if children are to be able to concentrate and learn. One such organisation that recognises this is Magic Breakfast.

Magic Breakfast are a charity that works with schools to ensure that all children are able to enjoy a good meal at the start of each day. Their work is particularly helpful for disadvantaged families and is an essential support to parents who worry about being able to give their children breakfast each day.

As a learning provider, we believe in the power of education and that’s why we are working with Magic Breakfast to provide children in disadvantaged areas across the UK with free nutritious breakfasts that will help them to reach their full potential at school. Every time we sell a Level 2 Food Hygiene for Catering course we will donate the cost of one breakfast to help feed a child. You can learn about our partnership here.

Other key impacts of children missing education include:

  • Lack of safeguarding – It is very challenging to effectively safeguard a child who is missing education. School staff are incredibly well-trained and positioned to notice when a child is in need. This may be something simple, such as a child needing support making friends, or something much more significant, such as a child suffering some form of maltreatment.
  • Increased risk of maltreatment – If children are not being safeguarded in school, they may be at risk of various types of maltreatment, including abuse and exploitation, which could go unnoticed. For example, a child may go missing from education because they are forced into marriage in another country. Children may also be missing school because they are involved in criminal exploitation. A common type of criminal exploitation involving children is county lines, you can read more about this in our article here. 
  • Mental Health Issues – A key part of today’s curriculum is linked to social and emotional well-being. Not only do children miss out on the chance to learn about mental health issues in school, including how to deal with them, but not having a structured education may affect their own mental health. For example, a lack of socialisation may result in children feeling lonely or lacking self-esteem, leading to depression. Equally, a lack of routine and structure may cause anxiety or worry.
  • Unemployment – An obvious risk of a lack of education is being unable to secure a job in the future. Children who lack relevant qualifications don’t have as many options when it comes to employment, meaning they may not be able to have careers they enjoy or feel fulfilled in.

When children are exposed to negative situations, this can have a lasting impact on their lives. Missing out on education increases the chance of this happening and going unnoticed. A wide array of services operate alongside schools to support children in various ways, however, those who miss school lack access to these entirely.  You can read more about the importance of safeguarding children in this way in our article: Adverse Childhood Experiences: Guidance for Schools.

How to Recognise and Respond to Children Missing Education

As mentioned previously, school staff play a key role in recognising when a child is at risk of or is currently missing education. 

A child may miss education for various reasons. In some cases, this may be planned, and the school may be informed, for example, in the case of a child undergoing treatment for a serious illness. In these situations, school staff can plan to support the child and their family and take steps to ensure the impact of missing education is minimised. For example, the child may be able to join lessons virtually or have adapted work sent home for them to engage with.

When children are missing education, which is unplanned and unexpected, this can be more challenging. Staff should be aware of children who may be considered more at risk of missing education in this way.

These children include:

  • Refugees.
  • Children for whom English is an additional language (EAL).
  • Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) children.
  • Looked after children (LAC).
  • Young carers.
  • Children with challenging homelives.

Responsibilities for Schools

All school staff should know and share the same approach to children missing education. In most cases, they will be the first to recognise when a child’s absence becomes a concern. It is essential for staff to:

  • Know the children in their care: this includes understanding a child’s background and any contextual factors that may make them more at risk of missing education.
  • Keep accurate attendance records: this allows for concerns to be raised as soon as a child is missing education completely or for prolonged periods.
  • Raise concerns properly: in most cases, this will involve contacting the child’s parent/carer in the first instance to understand the situation. The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and pastoral staff at school should also be aware of such concerns.
  • Work collaboratively with other agencies: other agencies will likely include the Children Missing Education team at the local authority, and where there are concerns linked to abuse or crime, Children’s Social Care or the police. Names and contact details of relevant agency staff should be readily available to gather and share information effectively so that work can begin to support the child and their family.
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Looking to Learn More?

High Speed Training offer various safeguarding courses which teach you how to protect and support all children, including those missing education. These include Designated Safeguarding Lead (Level 3), Advanced Safeguarding Children (Level 2) and Safeguarding Children in Education.

Responsibilities for Parents

Parents are legally responsible for ensuring their child attends school regularly or receives a suitable, alternative education. Where children are educated at home, it should be in line with a recognised and approved curriculum. If their child is being educated at school, they must ensure they attend on time each day for all their lessons. 

Parents can also support the school in being able to safeguard their child by:

  • Informing the attendance officer when their child cannot attend school, i.e. due to illness or an appointment.
  • Applying for holidays in term time in writing; although most term-time holidays won’t be approved, it can still help staff to know the likely circumstances of a child missing a few weeks of school. 
  • Letting the school know if their child is refusing to attend school and explain why if they know the reason. That way, school staff can work to support the child in returning to school and mitigating any worries they may have about attending.

Children who miss education are significantly disadvantaged. They risk falling behind their peers in terms of academic achievement, missing out on social interaction and building positive relationships. They can also be at a greater risk of suffering maltreatment. It is, therefore, vital that everyone involved in safeguarding children work together collaboratively to recognise and respond to cases of CME.

Further Resources:

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What are the Different Types of Modern Slavery? Fri, 20 Oct 2023 08:30:00 +0000 Modern slavery is a serious crime and a violation of human rights. We explain the different types and the signs to look out for here.

The post What are the Different Types of Modern Slavery? appeared first on The Hub | High Speed Training.

Though many people believe slavery to be a thing of the past, approximately 50 million people are victims of modern slavery worldwide. Clearly, it is a problem that still exists today – including within the UK. Modern slavery is a serious crime and a violation of human rights. It involves individuals being exploited for someone else’s gain and, unfortunately, there are many different types. 

One of the biggest challenges with tackling modern slavery is that, due to its nature, it occurs behind closed doors. The first step, therefore, is raising awareness. While we all have a role to play in preventing modern slavery from continuing, it’s especially important for people who have safeguarding responsibilities, or work in roles that involve safeguarding, to be able to recognise the signs that this may be occuring. 

In this article, we will define what modern slavery refers to, explain the different types and the signs to look out for. We’ll also outline what you should do if you suspect modern slavery is occurring.

What is Modern Slavery?

Modern slavery is a crime that involves individuals being forced to work or provide a service for the benefit of others. Though there are many definitions, and it has several forms, they all include aspects of control, involuntary actions and exploitation. 

It is important to remember that victims of modern slavery are not just limited to specific groups of people – anyone can be a victim of modern slavery. There are, however, some people who are more at risk of becoming victims of modern slavery than others:

  • Children are often viewed as easy targets as they are more susceptible to pressure and persuasion. 
  • People with learning difficulties may not be able to fully comprehend the situation and therefore are more vulnerable to manipulation. 
  • People in desperate circumstances – like poverty or debt – are often targeted due to their likelihood of making riskier decisions. 
  • Asylum seekers can be trapped by their desperation to reach countries like the UK. Traffickers can exploit them by offering them ‘safe’ travel. 

As we’ve established, modern slavery can be difficult to detect, due to it generally occurring behind closed doors. This is reflected in how challenging it is to get an accurate measurement of its prevalence across the world. However, it is not just an overseas problem and there is an increasing number of reported incidents in the UK. 

In 2021, the UK Annual Report on Modern Slavery found that police recorded 8,730  modern slavery offences across England and Wales, an increase of 5% from the previous year. 

Types of Modern Slavery

As modern slavery is a growing concern, it is especially important that people who have safeguarding responsibilities are able to understand the different types. Types of modern slavery include: 

  1. Human trafficking is the illegal movement and trade of people without their consent, often across geographical borders. It often involves the use of threats, violence and coercion in order to use people for forced labour, criminal activity or sexual exploitation. For more information on human trafficking, check out our article, here.
  2. Sexual exploitation involves forcing victims to perform sexual acts against their will for someone else’s profit. 
  3. Criminal exploitation involves vulnerable individuals – often children – being made to commit crimes like theft, fraud or carrying drugs, often via County Lines.
  4. Domestic servitude occurs when people are forced to work as domestic helpers under tough conditions and for little or no pay. It is, however, important to note that not all domestic work is classed as slavery and that this is a reliable source of income for many people. 
  5. Forced labour includes any work that individuals are forced to complete against their will. They are often compelled to work long hours, in poor conditions, for little or no pay and usually under threat of punishment. 
  6. Forced marriage occurs when someone is coerced into marriage without giving their consent. Victims of forced marriages cannot leave and often face abuse. Most child marriages are considered a form of modern slavery. For more information, check out our article: What is the Difference between Arranged Marriage and Forced Marriage?.

However, this is not an exhaustive list. Modern Slavery is a web of criminal activity with many strands, and further examples can be found here

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Need a Course?

Our Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery training course provides learners with knowledge of exploitation and trafficking within the UK and teaches you how to identify the signs.

Signs of Modern Slavery

Identifying victims of modern slavery can be challenging for a number of reasons. They are often hidden away by their abusers, or feel unable to tell people about their experiences due to a fear of the potential consequences or shame. Therefore, as someone who works in a safeguarding role, it is crucial that you know the signs and what to look for. 

Signs that someone may be a victim of modern slavery include:

  • Isolation, fear and withdrawn behaviours.
  • Restricted or controlled movement.
  • Appearing tired, unwashed or scruffy or showing signs of physical abuse or malnourishment. 
  • Poor living conditions, such as living in overcrowded or substandard conditions.
  • Long work hours.

The signs listed above are indicative that someone may be suffering from abuse in general. For some forms of modern slavery, there are more specific signs to look out for. However, it’s important to remember that experiences and signs will be different for every victim.

Forced Labour

If someone does not have a contract or is paid either less than the minimum wage or nothing at all, then this could be a significant sign that they are being exploited for their labour.

They may lack suitable clothing or protective equipment for the job they are doing, or work unusually long hours in poor conditions. Someone who is a victim of forced labour may show signs of psychological or physical abuse or seem to have a nervous disposition.

Sexual Exploitation

A victim of sexual exploitation may appear scared or withdrawn. They may show signs of physical abuse (for example, bruises, cuts or scars) or emotional abuse (they may appear to have low self-esteem or self-worth).

Someone living and working at the same address can be an indication that a brothel is operating from that address.

Domestic Servitude

If someone is held in their employer’s home and is unable to leave on their own or their movements are restricted, this could be a sign that they are a victim of domestic servitude.

Look out for signs such as working unusually long hours or being denied access to their own living space or possessions, including items like their ID or phone.

Criminal Exploitation

Signs of criminal exploitation often include suspicious or secretive behaviour and the appearance of unexplained money or items. Someone who is a victim of criminal exploitation may become withdrawn and preoccupied with phone calls and texts.

What to Do if you Suspect Modern Slavery

Modern slavery is a serious crime and we all have a role to play in preventing it. If you suspect modern slavery is occurring, it is crucial that you inform someone as soon as it is safe to do so. Do not assume that someone else will raise the concern; you must speak out, as your information could save a life.

You can:

  • Report it to the Modern Slavery Helpline on 08000 121 700. 
  • Make an anonymous report on the Crimestoppers website or call them on 0800 555 111.
  • Contact the police on 101 for non-emergency enquiries or use the textphone service on 18001 101 if you have a speech or hearing impairment. 
  • Call 999 if you suspect that someone is in immediate danger. 

Remember that you do not have to be certain of your concern to make a report and you will always be taken seriously.

We hope you’ve found this article on modern slavery informative and helpful. If you have any further questions about the topics discussed in this article, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at High Speed Training. You can contact our friendly team on 0333 006 7000 or email

Further Resources:

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What is Professional Curiosity in Safeguarding? Fri, 13 Oct 2023 08:42:07 +0000 Professional curiosity is an essential part of safeguarding, whether you care for adults or children. Learn how you can be professionally curious here.

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If your work involves supporting and caring for children or adults, regardless of the setting, having effective safeguarding in place is a top priority. Achieving effective safeguarding can be challenging, especially when dealing with complex situations. It can often be difficult to decide when to take action, what type of action is needed, or whether any action is necessary.

Some individuals in your care may require additional levels of safeguarding. However, it is not always obvious when this may be. Children and adults often attempt to keep their problems hidden, and they may be unwilling or feel unable to confide in somebody. This is an example of where professional curiosity can be of use.

In this article, we will explore the meaning of professional curiosity in more detail and how it relates to safeguarding. We will also describe ways to be professionally curious and look at examples of where this may be necessary. 

What is Professional Curiosity?

Professional curiosity is an important part of keeping children and adults safe. It is a term used in safeguarding guidance for many settings, including schools, care homes, hospitals and for roles in the wider community. Professional curiosity involves using your skills and knowledge to recognise when there may be a need to investigate a situation further.

As a professional working with children and adults, you are in a direct position to notice anything concerning. You may be worried that a person is suffering some form of maltreatment or struggling to manage a mental health issue. Perhaps you suspect that someone is involved in criminal activity and is being exploited.

Representation of an adult that may need more safeguarding guidance

These are a few examples of when you may need to use professional curiosity to fully explore what is happening so that action can be taken to safeguard that person. Remember, too, that some individuals will be more at risk, and you should use your knowledge and understanding to be extra vigilant in these circumstances.

For example, looked after children (LAC) may be more at risk. You can read more about how to safeguard looked after children in our article here. Some adults, such as those with disabilities, learning difficulties or mental health issues may also be at greater risk. Our article: Safeguarding Adults: What is it and Who is it for? can help you to identify the additional support these people may require.

The term ‘professional curiosity’ links closely with ‘respectful uncertainty’. This means attempting to view a situation with a critical eye. You should proactively ask questions and appreciate that the information given to you by the person themselves or perhaps their carers may not always be the truth. This process must be carried out respectfully,  as otherwise, relationships can become damaged, and you may risk losing the trust of the person or their carers.

Why is Professional Curiosity Important in Safeguarding?

As we have discussed, professional curiosity can enable you to identify when there may be an issue with an individual in your care which needs investigating further. Noticing any concerns signs and addressing these can be the difference between a person receiving the help they need and continuing to suffer.

A safeguarding professional, checking in on someone that may need support and showing professional curiosity

Professional Curiosity and Maltreatment

The term ‘maltreatment’ refers to any form of abuse or neglect. Anybody who is suffering maltreatment requires support and intervention.

It can be challenging to identify exactly how many children and adults suffer maltreatment in the UK, as victims may be unwilling or feel unable to report what is happening to them. The NSPCC suggests that around half a million children suffer maltreatment each year, and there were approximately 541,434 concerns raised about adults in the year 2021/22.

Professional curiosity can be particularly helpful in identifying potential cases of maltreatment. As mentioned previously, it is important that information isn’t always accepted at face value. In some cases of maltreatment, ‘disguised compliance’ may occur. This happens when those around the individual, their family or carers, attempt to create a false sense of the person being safe and well. This might be because they would like to hide that maltreatment is occurring, as is common in cases of adult domestic abuse.

Anybody who experiences some form of maltreatment is at a greater risk of developing mental health problems, such as depression or anxiety, either during the maltreatment or later in life. There is also an increased risk of suicide in those who have, or are, experiencing maltreatment. For example, research by Agenda Alliance, an organisation that campaigns for the well-being of all women, found that those who had experienced domestic abuse were three times more likely to take their own lives.

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Looking to Learn More?

Our range of safeguarding courses can teach you more about identifying signs of maltreatment, and other indicators that a person may require additional support, care or intervention. These include Introduction to Safeguarding Children, Designated Safeguarding Lead and Level 3 Safeguarding Adults.

Professional Curiosity and Child Safeguarding

Staff working in schools or in children’s social care are particularly well-placed to recognise when a child is in need. Their professional curiosity may uncover a situation which can easily be addressed, such as a child struggling to fit in with their peers or perhaps a child who has become stressed about upcoming exams. If you work in a school, take a look at this article to support you in achieving effective safeguarding: How to Create an Effective Culture of Safeguarding in Schools.

A child in a safeguarding environment where the professional may need to use professional curiosity

Professional curiosity also plays a vital role in uncovering more serious cases of child maltreatment. Unfortunately, in some cases where a child has suffered serious harm, a lack of professional curiosity has been highlighted.

For example, a serious case review completed by Calderdale Safeguarding Children Partnership, found that opportunities were missed to investigate a concerning situation further. Despite various agencies being involved, a lack of professional curiosity was cited as a reason for the severity of the maltreatment being missed. Sadly, in this case, while the child died of natural causes, it was later found that they had suffered multiple non-accidental injuries and were at risk for various reasons. 

Many serious case reviews have found that if those involved in safeguarding had asked more questions, or looked into matters further, facts may have been uncovered which would have allowed for actions to be put in place to stop the maltreatment. In some cases, children’s lives could have been saved.

How to be Professionally Curious

Professional curiosity is about understanding when there is a need to look into a situation further and find out more. It’s about being vigilant, acting upon concerns and not being afraid to challenge decisions you may disagree with.

Below are some top tips on how to be professionally curious:

  • Know the signs to look out for: you must know what the signs and indicators are that might suggest a child or adult is in need, at risk of maltreatment, or suffering maltreatment. If you feel unsure of this, speak to a manager and ask if you could undertake some training to help you feel better equipped. Take a look at this article which offers guidance on different safeguarding training levels. 
  • Respectfully ask questions and investigate: being professionally curious doesn’t need to be overly intrusive or cause offence. It can be helpful to remind everyone involved that you have the individual’s well-being at heart and that, ultimately, your aim is to offer the best possible support.
  • Understand the ‘whole picture’: if you are dealing with complex circumstances, take the time to understand everything fully. For example, if you believe a child is suffering neglect, take the time to understand their parent or carers’ situation. It may be that they need some support themselves, and you must be sensitive to this. 
A counsellor trying to understand the whole picture and raising concerns with a parent of a child after being professionally curious.
  • Raise concerns: there may be occasions where your role is to raise concerns rather than act on them yourself. Always be proactive in doing this, even if you’re unsure whether there is an issue; raising your concern is an important part of being professionally curious. 
  • Challenge decisions: if having raised a concern, you are not satisfied with the outcome, you should challenge this decision. This is known as ‘professional challenge’ and, when done properly, can help uncover issues that may have been overlooked or missed. 

We hope you have found this article informative and helpful. Professional curiosity is an essential part of safeguarding, which should happen across all settings where caring for children or adults is involved. Being professionally curious is a vital step in achieving effective safeguarding.

Further Resources

Safeguarding Courses

What is Adultification within Child Protection and Safeguarding?

Safeguarding Adults at Risk: What is it and Who is it For?

How to Create an Effective Culture of Safeguarding in Schools

What is Contextual Safeguarding & Why is it Important?

How Can We Work Together to Safeguard Adults?

What is Safeguarding Training & Why is it so Important?

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Recognising Signs of ADHD in Children Fri, 29 Sep 2023 08:30:00 +0000 ADHD can show in different ways throughout different ages. Learn how to spot the signs so that you can help a child receive the support that they may need.

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ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and is a common neurodevelopmental condition. Around 5% of children and approximately 3-4% of adults in the UK have ADHD. Whilst the condition is usually diagnosed in childhood, it is becoming increasingly common for adults to receive a diagnosis, having struggled to manage symptoms of ADHD throughout their lives.

Recognising the signs of ADHD in children can allow for an early diagnosis, meaning that the right help and guidance can be arranged to support the child and those around them. There are many different strategies which can be used to help children with ADHD feel understood and allow them to experience full and happy lives.

In this article, we will look at some signs that may indicate a child has ADHD and offer advice regarding the next steps to take if you notice a child in your care displaying these.

A child exhibiting signs of ADHD with a teacher

What is ADHD in Children?

ADHD is a neurological condition which can impair social and cognitive functioning in everyday life. However, the exact cause of ADHD isn’t completely understood, though it is often linked to genetics. The likelihood of a child having ADHD can also be influenced by factors such as their home life or childhood trauma, such as premature birth or prenatal exposure to substances such as alcohol.

The signs of ADHD in children tend to differ slightly from those seen in adulthood and can often be easier to spot. In many cases, a child’s symptoms will become noticeable when they start school, especially when teachers and support staff are well-informed and know the signs to look out for. Often, some of the first indicators may be a lack of concentration, finding it difficult to sit still or follow instructions, or displaying hyperactivity.

In comparison, adults with ADHD may experience restlessness rather than hyperactivity. They may find it challenging to focus at work or manage their time effectively and may experience frequent stress or anxiety. This is why it can be more difficult for adults to receive a diagnosis, as they may push aside these symptoms and accept them as a normal part of adult life.

Different Types of ADHD

ADHD can be categorised into three types:

  • Inattentive: in these cases, children may lack focus and often appear to ‘drift away’, meaning they miss important information and instructions. They may also appear forgetful and disorganised.
  • Hyperactive-Impulsive: children with this type of ADHD may show more physical symptoms. They may be overly active, speak more frequently than their peers, or fidget a lot, finding it difficult to remain still and engage in calm activities.
  • Combined: some children may show a combination of both types of the condition. In these cases, as there are more signs to look out for, it can be easier to diagnose.

It is also worth noting that regardless of the type of ADHD a child experiences, the symptoms tend to differ slightly depending on gender. Boys are around three times more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than girls. This may be because the symptoms displayed by girls are often more subtle and tend to be linked to internal concerns such as anxiety, inattentiveness and disorganisation, which can be more difficult to spot.

To find out more, take a look at our article: How Does ADHD Differ in Females?

Signs of ADHD in Toddlers

Although many children are diagnosed with ADHD when they begin school, it is possible to notice signs and symptoms when they are younger. Many parents and carers will know that toddler-aged children are, by nature, always on the go. It can be difficult to know when potentially normal, excitable toddler behaviour becomes a cause for concern.

ADHD signs in toddlers

While most toddlers tend to be lively and active a lot of the time, a toddler with ADHD may display these behaviours even more frequently. They may feel a need to move constantly and appear overly energetic. They may only play with a certain toy or engage in a certain activity briefly before moving on to something else. Other potential signs include struggling to enjoy quieter activities such as reading a book or sitting still to eat their dinner.

As mentioned above, many of these behaviours can be expected of children in this age bracket. However, if these behaviours seem extreme or are particularly noticeable compared to their peers, it may be worth seeking further advice or guidance.

Signs of ADHD in Children and Preteens

As children begin their school years, it can be much easier to recognise the signs of ADHD as their behaviour may stand out more obviously against that of their peers. In some cases, especially in hyperactive-impulsive children, they may get in trouble due to their behaviour, which can appear disruptive. This is why teaching staff need to understand the condition and be able to recognise when they may be dealing with a case of ADHD.

School children that could be showing signs of ADHD

Children with ADHD can find everyday life challenging. They can struggle to follow the rules and routines outlined for them, and disorganisation can lead to issues with homework. In many cases, children will struggle to regulate their behaviour, and this can lead to difficulties in forming friendships. At home, frustrations at school may cause some children to become angry, and they may project their feelings onto their parents/carers or siblings.

Another indicator which may be recognised at this stage is the child’s academic performance. Children with inattentive ADHD are likely to miss important information shared in class, and they may struggle to focus on a task, meaning they find it difficult to demonstrate their abilities.

In cases where ADHD is left undiagnosed, these challenges can become serious barriers to learning. However, with early intervention and the right strategies, children with ADHD can access education, build relationships and make superb progress alongside their peers.

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Looking to Learn More?

Our ADHD Awareness course can help anyone who works closely with children to understand more about what ADHD is, how best to recognise it, and which strategies are available to support children.

Signs of ADHD in Teenagers

The teenage years can be challenging for various reasons. Young people at this stage are experiencing many changes, including both physical and emotional changes. Plus, at school, they may feel under increased pressure to perform well as exams approach. Relationships can also become more complex at this stage, so, understandably, teenagers who are also dealing with symptoms of ADHD can find this a really difficult time.

A teenager with ADHD struggling with homework

Often, as young people enter this stage of their lives, symptoms such as hyperactivity tend to decrease. Instead, this can present itself as risky and impulsive behaviour, with some research suggesting that teenagers with ADHD are more likely than their peers to experiment with drugs and alcohol.

Without the correct support and intervention, teenagers with ADHD can continue to struggle with their academic performance, as there is more for them to remember and subjects become more difficult. If you teach young people with ADHD, take a look at our article, which provides teaching tips and strategies to help you offer the right support. 

It is also worth noting that it can be common for teenagers with ADHD to experience other mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression. Girls, in particular, may experience issues with self-esteem and confidence, so it is important to understand how to support young people in these circumstances. Take a look at our article: How to Help a Child With Anxiety in the Classroom to learn more.

What to Do if You Think a Child has ADHD

As we have seen, ADHD can present itself in many ways, and no two children will experience symptoms in quite the same way. The good news is that as a parent/carer, teacher, social worker, or any similar role, it is not your responsibility to diagnose ADHD yourself. Similarly, you are not expected to create a support plan for the child alone. Instead, it is important to seek professional help and advice, and luckily, there is plenty of support available.

If you suspect a child in your care may have ADHD, it is a good idea to gather some notes about the signs and symptoms you have noticed. It can be helpful to share your concerns with others involved in caring for the child. For example, if you are a parent/carer and suspect your child may have ADHD, ask to meet with their teacher, who may draw upon advice from the school Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO). Together, you will be able to share thoughts and concerns and begin to build a clearer picture of the child’s behaviour.

Ultimately, any concerns will need to be shared with a healthcare professional. In the first instance, this is likely to be a GP. A GP will then be able to explore the issue further and begin to involve other professionals if necessary. In time, a support plan can be developed to help the child and those around them to understand the condition and how best to manage it moving forward. 

How to Support a Child with ADHD

One of the most effective ways to support a child with ADHD is to increase your understanding of the condition. This will allow you to understand their behaviours better, appreciate how they may be feeling and gain awareness of the challenges they face. Our article: ADHD Myths and Facts will help you to discover more. 

A teacher showing support to a child with ADHD

Below are some tips to help you get started with supporting a child with ADHD: 

  • Be patient: especially with younger children and preteens, their behaviour may be challenging. However, it is important to remain as calm and patient as possible, as your frustration will only make the situation worse.
  • Offer regular prompts: some children will easily become distracted and lose focus, so it is important to keep an eye on them and calmly remind them of the task.
  • Show understanding: if a child struggles to regulate their emotions or behaviour, try to show empathy and understanding to help them understand their feelings better.
  • Ensure support is in place at school: school staff must know if a child has ADHD. A support plan and strategies must be in place for the child to navigate this potentially challenging environment.
  • Take time to explain boundaries: in some cases, a child with ADHD may not fully understand why their behaviour is unacceptable, and taking the time to calmly explain the situation and help them realise an alternative action can be beneficial.
  • Share information: the more information made available about strategies which work with the child or particular challenges they face, the better. This means that all those involved in caring for the child can create a secure support network.

Recognising the signs and symptoms of ADHD can be challenging. However, it is important to remember that if you think a child in your care may have ADHD, you are not alone in dealing with it. There are many strategies which can significantly help a child with ADHD to navigate the world around them and understand their symptoms better, and working together to put a support plan in place is the best course of action.

Further Resources:

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Child Sexual Abuse: Guidance for Schools Wed, 23 Aug 2023 08:30:00 +0000 Child sexual abuse continues to be an important issue faced by schools. We outline how you can help to prevent sexual abuse in your setting here.

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The children’s charity Barnardo’s reports that one in six children experience sexual abuse before their 18th birthday. This shocking statistic highlights the importance of safeguarding – it is everyone’s responsibility, but those who work in schools and educational settings are particularly well-placed to identify and prevent abuse. As a result, it is key that you understand what sexual abuse is and what your safeguarding responsibilities in school are.

After the creation of the website Everyone’s Invited, sexual abuse has become more topical than ever. Ofsted has called for an immediate review of school safeguarding policies to ensure that victims of sexual abuse are supported effectively. In this article, we will explain what you need to do before this review, as well as defining child sexual abuse, explaining the causes of it in schools, and discussing how you can help to prevent sexual abuse in your setting.

What is Child Sexual Abuse?

Child sexual abuse means any sexual activity with a child, including physical contact, non-penetrative acts such as touching and kissing, and non-contact activities (such as producing sexual images or forcing the young person to watch sexual activities). It can also occur online: mobile phones, computers, and other devices allow for the quick, secretive exchange of explicit images (sexting) or sexual conversations.

Children can be sexually abused by a peer or someone younger than them – in fact, research has found that two thirds of abuse reported by children and young people was perpetrated by other children and young people (Hackett, 2014). In these cases, the abuse can be harmful to both the perpetrator and the victim.

It is important to remember that abuse can happen to anyone at any stage of childhood. It is never a child’s fault that they were sexually abused. They often might not understand that what’s happening is abuse, or that it’s wrong – they may also be afraid to tell someone about it. However, there are often warning signs that you can identify and act on to help them. You can find out more about the warning signs in our article here

Consequences of Abuse

Sexual abuse can lead to long-lasting consequences throughout children’s lives. These might include:

  • Anxiety and depression.
  • Eating disorders.
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • Self-harm.
  • Suicidal thoughts and suicide.
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs).
  • Pregnancy.
  • Problems returning to – or continuing with – education.
  • Feelings of shame and guilt.
  • Drug and alcohol problems.
  • Relationship problems with family, friends, and partners.

This is why it is so vital to do your part in preventing sexual abuse where you can.

What are the Causes of Sexual Abuse in Schools?

There is no simple answer to the question of what causes sexual abuse. However, it has been suggested that the following factors may play a part:

  • Toxic school culture where sexual harassment and abuse are tolerated or trivialised. Normalising the abuse makes it easier for perpetrators to carry it out. For example, some schools dismiss it as ‘banter’ or ‘part of growing up’ (Keeping Children Safe in Education).
  • Sexism and misogyny – attitudes like these lead people to treat others with no regard or respect. Gender-based stereotypes are often used to justify or excuse sexual abuse.
  • The perpetrator having experienced abuse themselves. In reaction to their own experiences, perpetrators may attempt to find control and power by abusing others – or they may simply act out an experience they have witnessed or been involved in before, not realising that it is wrong.

At Risk Groups

Some children are particularly at risk of sexual abuse, including:

  • Those with previous experience of abuse.
  • Those who are in care.
  • Those who have experienced bereavement.
  • Those with low self-esteem, low confidence, and/or few friends.
  • Those who are young carers.
  • Those who spend a lot of time home alone.
  • Those with disabilities.

It is important for schools to look at the greater picture rather than isolated incidents in order to prevent sexual abuse from occurring. This is known as contextual safeguarding – after an incident of abuse, you need to consider whether other children are at risk, who is most vulnerable, whether there are any potentially unsafe spaces on the premises or in their local area, and what they could do to make these places safer. Sexual abuse is still your responsibility if it happens outside school – if you are aware of incidents occurring in the local park, for example, you should pass this information on to the police so that they can act accordingly. 

Ofsted Review into Sexual Abuse

In June, 2020, the website Everyone’s Invited was created. Since then, tens of thousands of victims have posted their testimonials regarding the sexual abuse and harassment they have experienced, often naming their school and stating whether or not appropriate action was taken. This prompted Ofsted to perform an immediate review of safeguarding policies in both state and independent schools.

The aim of the review was to look closely at the safeguarding processes which schools adopted, procedures for pupils to report their concerns, and how well schools were able to respond to such concerns. It also examined how schools and colleges could be supported in delivering content to help pupils to understand key issues such as sexual abuse, healthy relationships and consent.

The report found that, unfortunately, peer on peer sexual harassment was widespread. A significant amount of harassment was reported to take place online, highlighting a need to further teach the important of safer use of the internet and social media in particular. Another significant finding, was the fact that many pupils stated they would not be likely to come forward and report any abuse, in some cases, it was even mentioned that they actually accepted the harassment as a normal part of life, and something they simply needed to tolerate.

For this reason, schools are encouraged to improve their processes for encouraging pupils to come forward and report and instances of abuse or harassment. It is also paramount that these issues are taught more widely, and pupils expressed a need for a higher quality RSHE provision. Additionally, schools are encouraged to strengthen their relationships with agencies such as the local police, and work together to support students in understanding what constitutes sexual abuse and harassment and explaining to them the support available should they be affected by it in any way.

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Looking to Learn More?

We offer a variety of safeguarding courses to help staff keep pupils safe at all times, including our Harmful Sexual Behaviours in Schools course, designed specifically to help safeguard pupils from sexual abuse and harassment. Or our Online Safety & Harms course, which outlines how to safeguard students against online abuse and harassment.

How to Help Prevent Sexual Abuse in Schools

In order to adequately prevent sexual abuse in your school and meet Ofsted’s expectations, you need to think about the following things.

Updating Your Safeguarding Policy

You can demonstrate your school’s commitment to protecting the welfare of children with a written safeguarding policy. This should include information on how the school prevents and handles children harming other children (peer-on-peer abuse), as well as other cases of sexual abuse and sexual harassment. You can find a template of an example safeguarding policy to use here, and guidance on the relevant legislation (including Keeping Children Safe in Education and Working Together to Safeguard Children) here

Providing Safeguarding Training to Staff

All staff members in your school should have completed up-to-date safeguarding training so that they can identify signs of abuse and know what to do if they suspect any cases. If you need safeguarding training, have a look at our full range of Safeguarding courses, which provide you with the knowledge you need to carry out your work and meet safeguarding requirements.  

Teaching Children About Healthy Relationships

In order to prevent sexual abuse from occurring, it is vital to teach children what healthy relationships look like – these relationships can impact the rest of their lives. This might include teaching them about consent, boundaries, effective communication, and appropriate behaviours in a relationship – you can find more information in our article How to Teach Children About Healthy Relationships.

Dealing with Allegations Appropriately

You should ensure that your school has sufficient guidance available on how to deal with sexual harassment and violence allegations, as well as having the appropriate processes in place to allow pupils to report concerns freely. Staff could be trained on what to say to victims of abuse (for example, they should always tell the child that it’s not their fault and that they have done the right thing by telling them), as well as who to pass their concerns on to (your DSL), and when (as soon as possible).

The NSPCC Helpline

You should also be aware that an NSPCC helpline has been created to support victims of sexual harassment and abuse in education settings (both children and adults). It can also provide support to parents and professionals. You can use this helpline if you have concerns and don’t know what to do, or you could give the number out to parents, colleagues, and students in your school. The helpline is available at 0800 136 663.

Child sexual abuse continues to be an important issue faced by schools and educational settings in the UK. Understanding what this abuse is, what causes it, and how you can help to prevent it could help to decrease the shockingly high numbers of children that experience it every year.

Further Resources:

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Safeguarding Training Levels Explained: What’s the Difference? Wed, 09 Aug 2023 08:30:00 +0000 If you work with children or adults, it is crucial that you receive the correct level of training required for your role. Explore the safeguarding training levels here.

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Whether you work with adults or children, safeguarding training is crucial to ensure you are providing high-quality care and support. There are many different safeguarding training courses available and different levels to choose from, so it can be confusing trying to select the most suitable course for your role. 

In this article, we will outline the different levels of safeguarding training and provide guidance on the information that they cover, helping you to choose the most appropriate course. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, so ensuring you are completing the correct training for your role is vital.

If you wish to find further information about any of the courses outlined below, you can find all of our Safeguarding training, here.

Who Needs Safeguarding Training?

The term safeguarding is used to define actions taken to protect at risk groups from harm. As someone working closely with groups who have care and support needs, it’s important you understand what safeguarding is and why it’s important. Anybody who works with children and/or adults at risk, no matter how frequently, is required to have knowledge of safeguarding to ensure they are supporting and protecting those in their care. You can learn more about safeguarding in our article: What is Safeguarding?

Schools, charities, hospitals and care homes, along with other organisations, must all be invested in safeguarding and they have a legal responsibility to provide safeguarding training for all staff. 

In the rest of this article, we will take you through the three different levels of safeguarding training and provide guidance on each, to help you decide which is required for your role.

What is Level 1 Safeguarding Training?

Level one safeguarding training is the most basic level and is an introduction to safeguarding, so no prior knowledge is needed to complete this level.

Level one safeguarding training will teach you what safeguarding is and why it is so important, as well as the different types of abuse and neglect, and how to identify that they are occurring. It will also cover how to respond to a disclosure, report your concerns and record information.

Jobs that Require Level 1 Safeguarding Training

Level one training is suitable for workers of all levels, including managers, supervisors, full-time staff, part-time staff and volunteers. 

Examples of people who may take this training include: 

  • Teachers, nursery workers, teaching assistants, carers and childminders. 
  • Doctors, nurses, paramedics and health workers. 
  • Social workers, council staff and immigration workers. 
  • Youth workers, activity leaders and volunteers. 
  • Sports coaches and teachers. 
  • Church leaders, religious leaders and volunteers. 
  • NHS staff, such as GPs, nurses and healthcare assistants.
  • Carers, both in a residential home or domestic setting.
  • Private healthcare workers.
  • Taxi drivers and bus drivers.
  • Workers who enter people’s homes, such as gas engineers, maintenance workers and cleaners.
  • Health and social care professionals, such as paramedics and health visitors.
  • Council staff and immigration workers.

This list is not exhaustive and, depending on your duties, you may need a higher level of safeguarding training. If you are unsure, ask your employer. 

Take a look at our range of level one courses including Introduction to Safeguarding Children, Introduction to Safeguarding Adults and Safeguarding Essentials.

Child seeing a GP

What is Level 2 Safeguarding Training?

Level two safeguarding training is often referred to as ‘advanced’. This level of training develops and maintains your safeguarding knowledge, so you should already have some prior knowledge of safeguarding. 

Level two training covers everything in level one but goes into further detail about safeguarding procedures, scenarios and what happens after a referral. It provides you with a thorough understanding of how to protect the children or adults you work with. 

Jobs that Require Level 2 Safeguarding Training

The jobs mentioned as requiring level one safeguarding training may also require a level two qualification. This is likely to be dependent on the job and can vary between employers. 

For example, teachers are expected to have an advanced level of safeguarding training. School staff have a duty of care to children and, being the ones who are likely to spend the most time with them, are likely to encounter the warning signs presented by abused children.

Anyone who engages in regulated activity will likely need level two safeguarding training. 

Example job roles include:

  • People that work in hospitals and GP surgeries.
  • Workers in nursing homes, care homes and domiciliary care.
  • Workers in religious organisations and community groups.

Take a look at our range of level two courses including Advanced Safeguarding Children and Advanced Safeguarding Adults.

Teacher helping a pupil with her work

What is Level 3 Safeguarding Training?

Level three safeguarding training refers to the training of a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). This is someone who is the first point of contact for staff or those with access to the organisation you work for, and is a requirement in schools. DSLs are also responsible for ensuring that everyone in their organisation is following best safeguarding practices. 

Level three courses offer information on the Designated Safeguarding Lead’s specific responsibilities. This may include content, such as working with other organisations and sensitively sharing the information in accordance with data protection laws. 

The course is suitable for anyone wishing to understand the responsibilities of the Designated Safeguarding Lead, including those already in this position seeking further training and support, deputies and those assisting whoever holds the position, as well as those taking on a safeguarding lead for their organisation.

This level of training will include when and how to make safeguarding referrals, and how to work with other agencies to ensure all adults and children in your care receive the correct safeguarding support. 

Jobs that Require Level 3 Safeguarding Training

Level three safeguarding training is designed for anyone who is in a position of responsibility in an organisation where adults at risk and/or children are present. 

This includes, but is not limited to, managers, supervisors, and Designated Safeguarding Leads in: 

  • Care homes and residential settings.
  • Social housing settings.
  • Charities.
  • Social and religious group setting.
  • Adult education establishments.
  • Sports clubs and leisure centres. 
  • Health and social care environments.

Take a look at our range of Level 3 courses including Designated Safeguarding Lead and Level 3 Safeguarding Adults Training.

A pile of documents on a desk in an office

If you are still uncertain as to what level of training you require, you should ask your employer for clarification. You must have an up to date knowledge of child and vulnerable adult safeguarding practices. As a result, it is recommended that you recomplete training every three years. Some training suppliers will offer refresher courses that are specifically tailored for this requirement.

If you work with children or adults in need, it is essential that you receive the correct level of training required for your role. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and crucial to keep people safe. If you have any further questions or wish to find out more information on the topics covered in this article, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at High Speed Training!

Further Resources:

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