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The post Food Allergens Report 2024 appeared first on The Hub | High Speed Training.

Vegan Food Report: Beyond the Label Mon, 29 Jan 2024 16:11:18 +0000 This report provides insights into opinions and misconceptions surrounding vegan food and its relation to food allergies.

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Do current vegan labelling laws pose a threat to food allergy sufferers, and how does this impact the future of plant-based products?

Although the term ‘vegan’ is relatively new and was defined as late as the 1940s, the popularity of this lifestyle has significantly grown in recent years. The number of people following a vegan diet has seen an increase of 300% between 2006 and 2018. Presently, it is estimated that between 2-3% of the UK population follows a vegan lifestyle. Interestingly it’s not just vegans who purchase vegan products. Research suggests that 1 in 5 UK shoppers buy food labelled as vegan or plant-based at least once a week.

The general perception of vegan food is that it does not contain any animal-derived ingredients such as eggs and milk, that are also allergens. However, despite its increasing popularity there is still no legal definition for vegan food. Consequently, products labelled as vegan can still contain ingredients derived from animals.

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High Speed Training is a leading online course provider, recognised for its training on food safety and allergen awareness. This report aims to shed light on perceptions regarding what should or should not be included in vegan food and to understand the level of confidence in existing food testing methods. Additionally it aims to raise awareness about the absence of a definition for vegan food and how this could potentially pose risks to people with food allergies due to widespread misunderstanding.

Overview of YouGov Survey

Conducted in January 2024 the YouGov survey, commissioned by High Speed Training, provides insights into opinions and misconceptions surrounding vegan food and its relation to food allergies. This survey plays a role in our report as we explore the need for a clear legal definition of vegan food.

The survey involved 2,187 participants from demographics across the United Kingdom. The participant breakdown was diverse consisting of 48% male and 52% female respondents spanning the following age groups.

  • 11% aged 18-24 years
  • 16% aged 25-34 years
  • 18% aged 35-44 years
  • 17% aged 45-54 years
  • 38% aged 55+ years

The first question of our survey asked participants whether they identified as vegan and if they had any allergies to milk, eggs, fish, crustaceans or molluscs. This question plays an important role in understanding the number of people who might be at risk due to misconceptions about allergens in vegan food.

In question two we explored each participant’s understanding of what they believe qualifies as vegan food and whether they expected animal-derived ingredients such as milk, eggs, fish, crustaceans or molluscs to be present in vegan food. The responses to this question help paint a picture of how the UK population comprehends the allergy risks associated with vegan food due to the absence of a legal definition.

The third question assessed confidence in methods used for testing food. People’s answers provided insights into their level of trust regarding whether the food they consume matches its description. Finally, the fourth question directly asked participants if they believed having a definition for vegan food was necessary. This question is crucial for our report because it reflects the public’s opinion on establishing a definition of vegan food.

In general, the data from our YouGov survey provides insights into how the public perceives and understands vegan food and its relationship with food allergies. The findings will contribute to our report on the necessity of having a definition for vegan food and improved testing in the food supply chain.

Analysis of Survey Results

Public Perception of Vegan Food

Based on our YouGov survey results 72% of all participants believe that vegan food does not contain any ingredients derived from animals, making it safe for individuals with allergies to allergens such as milk, eggs, fish, crustaceans or molluscs. This belief was consistent across groups including vegans, non-vegans and people with food allergies. Focusing specifically on participants with food allergies, the percentage increased to 75% indicating that they also perceive vegan food as safe for consumption if you are allergic to animal-derived allergens, which is concerning to see. Looking just at the responses from vegans (with and without allergies) there is a better understanding but still a high number, 64%, believe that vegan food would not contain ingredients derived from animals.

Survey participants were asked. Which ONE, if any, of the following statements do you agree with?

  • Vegan food can contain animal-derived ingredients (such as milk, eggs, fish, crustaceans or molluscs) and may be unsafe for people who are allergic to those ingredients.
  • Vegan food does not contain animal-derived ingredients (such as milk, eggs, fish, crustaceans or molluscs) and is safe for people who are allergic to those ingredients.
  • Don’t know.

Only 8% (about 1 in 12 people) of all survey participants recognised the potential risk of allergen contamination in vegan food. Among vegans (with and without allergies), this awareness was higher at 33% indicating some level of understanding within the vegan community. However, it is surprising that just one out of three vegans are aware.

These responses highlight a concerning misconception. While the term ‘vegan’ generally implies that products do not contain ingredients sourced from animals, the reality of food manufacturing processes can lead to the presence of allergens in vegan products. For instance, cross-contamination or shared production facilities can potentially result in trace amounts of milk, eggs, fish, crustaceans or molluscs being found in vegan foods.

This lack of awareness has implications. For the consumer, it may lead to misguided choices, particularly for those who seek to avoid animal products due to ethical or environmental reasons. Moreover, it poses potential risks for individuals with allergies who might consume products that are vegan believing they do not contain allergens like milk, fish, crustaceans or molluscs.

Preparing a vegan dish

Confidence in Food Testing

Considering the serious questions raised about food testing and labelling, our YouGov survey asked the UK public about their confidence in current food testing methods that are there to ensure the food we eat is as described.

Survey participants were asked. In general, to what extent, are you confident in current food testing methods to ensure the food you eat is as described?

  • Very confident.
  • Somewhat confident.
  • Not very confident.
  • Not at all confident.
  • Don’t know.

Based on the findings of our survey it is evident that there is a mix of confidence among the public. In general, 70% of the participants expressed some level of confidence with 12% being ‘Very confident’ and 58% ‘Somewhat confident’ in the testing methods. However, when it comes to individuals with food allergies this confidence drops to 64%, and those not confident in food testing methods increases from 20% for everyone to 29% for those with allergies.

These results indicate that while a majority still have trust in the existing food testing systems it is understandable that people with allergies are cautiously sceptical.

Need for Legal Definition

A majority, 75% or three out of four survey participants, agree that having a legal definition for vegan food is crucial. This definition would clarify that vegan foods should not contain animal-derived ingredients such as eggs, milk, fish, crustaceans or molluscs. Interestingly, when looking only at survey responses from vegans the majority increases from 75% to 87%, which shows that the vegan community would welcome the introduction of a legal definition for vegan food.

Survey participants were asked. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
“A legal definition is needed to clarify that the food labelled as vegan must not contain animal-derived ingredients such as milk, fish, crustaceans or molluscs”

  • Strongly agree.
  • Tend to agree.
  • Neither agree nor disagree.
  • Tend to disagree.
  • Strongly disagree.
  • Don’t know.

The absence of such a definition currently poses potential risks for individuals with allergies who might mistakenly assume that vegan foods are allergen-free. Furthermore, a clear legal definition would assist consumers in finding products that match their values and contribute to environmental sustainability.

By establishing a definition for vegan food, we can ensure clarity in product labelling, consumer safety and alignment with consumer preferences.

Shopper reading food item labels

The Tragic Story of Celia Marsh

The need for a robust system to confirm the absence of allergens in ingredients and the need for a legal definition of vegan food is made all too clear in the tragic case of Celia Marsh. In December 2017, Celia Marsh, a 42 year old mother of five and dental nurse diagnosed with a cow’s milk allergy, died after eating a super-veg rainbow flatbread from Pret a Manger labelled as ‘vegan’ and ‘dairy-free’ which, unbeknownst to her, was contaminated with milk protein. This is particularly saddening as Mrs Marsh is said to have been “religious” in checking the ingredient lists on foods in an attempt to stay safe.

At the inquest into Celia Marsh’s death evidence was revealed that identified the source of the cross-contamination was a stabilising ingredient used in the dairy-free yoghurt alternative made by Planet Coconut. During the inquest, the managing director of Planet Coconut, Bethany Eaton, was asked whether she considered testing ingredients to which Mrs Eaton replied “We never tested the product because I was assured and believed it was being made in an allergen-free environment.” Mrs Eaton went on to explain that since the death of Celia Marsh, all products are now tested regardless of where they come from.

Pret a Manger had taken the word of their supplier that the ingredients used in the super-veg rainbow flatbread were dairy-free and labelled it as such. Sadly, this was not the case.

In a subsequent prevention of future deaths report, the coroner Maria Voisin concluded that “a product which is marked dairy-free should be free from dairy.” When outlining her concerns, Voisin addressed the FSA, the British Retail Consortium, Food and Drink Federation and British Hospitality, saying:

The wording used on food products, and the public’s understanding of these phrases in terms of implying the absence of a particular allergen, can be potentially misleading. Examples include: “free-from” and “vegan”. Foods labelled in this way must be free from that allergen, and there should be a robust system to confirm the absence of the relevant allergen in all ingredients and during production when making such a claim.

Maria Voisin – His Majesty’s Senior Coroner for the area of Avon

Discussing the current role and responsibilities of food manufacturers, food retailers and restaurants to protect consumers, food allergen expert Caroline Benjamin said “Food manufacturers and retailers have a responsibility under Pre-packed labelling regulations and we believe testing for precautionary allergen labelling (PAL) is a best practice in keeping the food hypersensitive (FHS) consumer safe. Restaurants need to have a full HACCP / auditing in place when making claims but also making the customer aware of any risks and how these will be mitigated when preparing food for the FHS customer.”

Since Mrs Marsh’s tragic death, there has been no change in the law to provide a legal definition of vegan food nor to introduce improved testing and checks to ensure food and its labelling accurately match. The FSA has updated its food allergen business guidance on the labelling of vegan products, recommending that a precautionary allergen label, also known as a ‘may contain’ statement, be applied to a vegan product. Although this is a small step in the right direction, the majority of what was suggested in Voisin’s prevention of future deaths report has still not been acted upon and it remains difficult for consumers to make informed choices when purchasing vegan food products. Ultimately, those with allergies are still at risk. 

The Vegan Society’s Position

The Vegan Society is an established charity and the oldest organisation dedicated to promoting veganism. Founded in the UK in 1944 they lead activities and campaigns related to veganism and plant-based foods.

The Vegan Trademark is a known certification for vegan products that have gained recognition through the efforts of the Vegan Society.

According to the official ‘Vegan Trademark standards’ it mentions “The manufacture and/or development of the product, and its ingredients, must not involve or have involved the use of any animal product, by-product or derivative.” 

It is important to note that the Vegan Trademark does not explicitly require vegan food to be suitable for individuals with animal-based food allergies. Instead the licence agreement asks companies to confirm that they strive to minimise cross-contamination from animal products as far as is reasonably practicable

As stated by the Vegan Society themselves:

The Vegan Society does not claim that products registered with the Vegan Trademark are suitable for people with allergies to animal products; this depends on the standards achieved by individual manufacturers.

The Vegan Society

Alex Gazzola, a writer specialising in food allergies, intolerances and coeliac disease, explains this further, saying: “The definition of ‘vegan food’ according to the Vegan Society (VS) is essentially based on ingredients and intent. If the ingredients are vegan, and the intention is to make a vegan product, then it is vegan. I suppose you could say it is about the attempt made, rather than a strict measure of success. Accidental cross-contamination is not an ingredient, and not intentional, therefore has no impact on the vegan status.”

Giving his opinion on what the future of vegan labelling could look like, Alex said: “People with a milk and/or egg allergy are regular consumers of vegan foods, and have contributed to the growth in the vegan sector from which the VS have directly benefited. It would be a nice touch if they were to give something back to the community, even if just helping out with awareness campaigns.”

“I think it would be a pity and would sour relations if pressure from the allergy / free from community were to ultimately result in the VS having to change their definition against their will. What I’d like to see instead is discussion and negotiation between the communities and the legislators to reach an agreement on the best way forward”

“If a food meets the VS definition, it is vegan. If it does not, it is not. There is no ‘in between’ or third ground under the current definition. I do like the idea of a third ground, I should add – ‘vegan’ and ‘vegan plus’, for example, to take into account foods with and without potential cross-contamination”

We spoke with Chris Kirby, Health & Safety Manager at Timothy Taylor & Co. brewery, who have been granted use of the Vegan Trademark on their range of bottled and canned beers. Asked for his thoughts on the potential introduction of a legal definition of vegan foods and the impact it may have on the production of vegan products Chris said “I think there may be some negativity as some of the vegan claims that are made by manufacturers would need to be revisited and work would need to be completed on new ways to ensure their vegan status. It would not negatively impact Timothy Taylor products as our vegan products are completely segregated from non-vegan products, so therefore no cross-contamination risk.”

The term ‘vegan’ belongs to the vegan community and that community plays a key role in determining what ‘vegan’ means, but consumer expectations and industry practices do not match as 64% of vegans expect food labelled as vegan to be completely free from any ingredients derived from animals.

Chartered Trading Standards Institute’s (CTSI) Recommendation

There is a growing concern in the food industry regarding the absence of a vegan food definition. With more people buying vegan food and campaigns like Veganuary promoting vegan diets it’s crucial to address this issue.

The Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) published a report in 2023 and put forward recommendations relating to vegan and plant-based food. They highlight the need for a definition of vegan food as well as an educational campaign to help consumers understand what to look for on food labels. Additionally, they suggest that businesses should receive updated guidance to ensure transparency. Implementing these recommendations would play a role in safeguarding consumer safety and fostering trust.

Timothy Taylor & Co. Health & Safety Manager, Chris Kirby says “I feel that consumers should be able to make food safe choices about the food / drink they consume. Just because a product is Vegan doesn’t mean it is allergen-free, and this may be what some consumers presume. Vegan consumers choose not to eat products that intentionally use ingredients of animal origin, but it is equally as important to highlight to the consumer if there is a potential allergen cross-contamination risk (e.g. “may contain” statement). If a consumer is choosing to have a vegan diet, then the products should be completely vegan. Having worked in food manufacturing for the last 27 years I understand the challenges this can pose, so a legal definition would clear up any confusion.”

Currently some companies are taking advantage of people’s assumptions about vegan diets through “vegan washing.” This deceptive practice involves labelling products as “vegan” or “plant-based” despite containing animal-derived ingredients like milk or eggs or being prepared in environments where cross-contamination with animal-based products is highly likely. For example, in 2020 Burger King released their new “plant-based” burger which was widely considered to be suitable for vegans. In reality, it was found that the burger was cooked alongside meat, and the product came with egg-based mayonnaise. Thus, it wasn’t suitable for vegans and the ad was considered by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) to be misleading.

To prevent the occurrence of animal-derived ingredients in vegan food it would be beneficial to act on the CTSI recommendation and establish a legal definition that strictly prohibits any presence of animal-derived ingredients.

Additionally it is important to raise awareness among consumers about how animal-derived ingredients are indicated on food labels. Some terms used to describe animal-derived ingredients may not be familiar to consumers. For example:

  • Casein – A milk protein.
  • Collagen – From the skin, bones and elastin tissue of animals.
  • Whey – A milk by-product.
  • Albumen/Albumin – From egg.
  • Vitamin D3 – Often from fish-liver oil or sheep’s wool.
  • Lactose – Milk sugar and milk protein.
  • Pepsin – from the stomachs of pigs, a clotting agent used in vitamins.

Consumer Awareness and Education

Based on our analysis of the survey results it is evident that there are gaps in consumer knowledge regarding vegan food. Therefore, efforts should be made to improve education and understanding among consumers regarding vegan food choices.

The popularity of vegan food has grown rapidly. Unfortunately, there is a concerning lack of understanding about the ingredients used in vegan food. Our survey results highlight this issue showing that many people (72% of survey participants), including those with allergies, mistakenly believe that food labelled as vegan won’t contain animal-derived ingredients like milk and eggs. This misconception poses a potential health risk for individuals with allergies to animal-derived allergens.

It’s crucial to address this lack of awareness and improve consumer knowledge about vegan food. This way we can better protect individuals with food allergies and ensure that people can make informed choices about the food they consume.


Our survey findings reveal a contrast between consumer perceptions and the reality of vegan food in the UK. It’s alarming that 72% of participants wrongly believe that vegan food is free from animal-derived ingredients and safe for individuals with allergies. This misconception is particularly dangerous for those with food allergies. To improve the situation there is a need for a definition of vegan food in order to provide clarity and safeguard consumer health.

It is important for consumers to carefully check and read the labels on food before consuming it. However, there are concerns about food labelling and the testing of supply chains to ensure that the food we eat matches its description. Our survey reveals that while a majority (70%) have some confidence in food testing methods, unfortunate incidents like the case of Celia Marsh, who tragically passed away after consuming a vegan flatbread labelled as dairy-free but actually contaminated with milk protein, highlight the need for rigorous supply chain checks and testing to prevent such occurrences.

Encouragingly 74% of survey respondents agree that there should be a definition for vegan food. Among participants who identify as vegans this percentage rises to 87% indicating strong support for a definition. The Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) has recommended implementing a definition for vegan food, which would establish legal thresholds for what qualifies as animal free food.

Given the findings of our report, the recommendations from the CTSI and the concerns of coroner Maria Voisin, it is clear that a legal definition for vegan food is needed and better food testing should be put in place to confirm the absence of allergens in all ingredients and during food production to prevent tragic cases like Celia Marsh’s.


All survey figures are from YouGov Plc. Survey commissioned by High Speed Training. Total sample size was 2,187 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken in January 2024. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representatives of all UK adults (18+).

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Food Allergy Awareness Posters for Schools Thu, 23 Nov 2023 09:30:00 +0000 It is vital that children with food allergies feel safe at school. Download our free food allergy posters for schools to help promote awareness and understanding.

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For children with food allergies, schools can be a daunting environment. It’s therefore vital that school staff demonstrate knowledge and understanding of food allergies in order to help provide safe and accepting environments for all pupils.

Displaying and referencing our food allergy awareness posters in your classroom can be a good way to inform those in school about the dangers of food allergies, and the steps that both pupils and staff can take to help prevent allergic reactions.

In this article, we will provide you with a range of posters that you can download, print and display around your school to help promote allergy awareness in children and members of staff.

14 Food Allergens Poster

Any food has the ability to cause an allergic reaction, however, allergies to certain foods are more common than others. To help you remember the 14 named allergens which pupils are most likely to react to, we have a poster for you to use or display in your school.

Print out and display this handy poster in school kitchens, snack areas and around the classroom to make sure everyone is kept informed. You can download the poster below.

14 Food Allergens Poster for Schools

7 Steps of Handwashing Poster

The importance of hand washing cannot be understated, and maintaining high standards of personal hygiene is essential in preventing allergenic cross-contamination. To learn more, check out our article on the 7 Steps of Handwashing.

By displaying this poster in your school’s hand washing areas, you will enable everyone to follow a good hand washing procedure that will minimise the spread of bacteria. You can download the poster below.

The 7 Steps of Handwashing Poster

Spotting the Signs of an Allergic Reaction Poster

If you care for a child that suffers from a food hypersensitivity, it’s imperative that you understand the signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction so that you can respond calmly and appropriately.

Most food allergy symptoms typically start to develop between a few seconds and a few minutes after eating the offending food. If you’d like to further your understanding of the signs and what to do if you notice any of the symptoms occurring, take a look at our article on Spotting the Signs of an Allergic Reaction. You can download the poster below.

How to Spot the Signs of an Allergic Reaction to Food Poster

Locating Adrenaline Auto-Injectors (AAIs) Poster

Adrenaline Auto Injectors (AAIs) are used to treat severe anaphylactic reactions; you may recognise them from their brand names ‘Epipen’ or ‘Jext’. By law, schools can obtain spare AAIs without a prescription. However, they are not required to do so. 

If your school does choose to have spare AAIs, you should have a School Food Allergy Policy which explains how and where they are stored and detail the situations in which they may be used. It may also be useful to display this poster so that you can easily identify where to locate spare AAIs in the event of an emergency. You can download the poster below.

Locating AAIs Poster

Displaying, and regularly referring to, food allergy awareness posters in your school, like those we have shared with you in this article, acts as a constant reminder of the importance to protect the staff and pupils who suffer from food hypersensitivities. This helps to increase understanding of allergens and can reassure parents or carers that you are working to create a whole-school approach to allergy awareness.

Further Resources:

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Food Hypersensitivity Quiz Thu, 28 Sep 2023 08:30:00 +0000 You’re probably familiar with the terms food allergy and intolerance, but have you heard of food hypersensitivity? Test your knowledge in our quiz.

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Further Resources: 

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What is an Individual Healthcare Plan? Wed, 27 Sep 2023 08:30:00 +0000 An Individual Healthcare Plan can be used to support children with medical conditions in schools. Download a free IHP template here.

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It can be distressing for parents and guardians of children with ongoing medical conditions to send them off to school, particularly if they require regular medication or are at high risk of suffering a medical emergency. They must feel able to trust the staff, and the school’s systems and processes to keep their child safe.

Under the Children and Families Act 2014, schools have a responsibility to support pupils with medical conditions when they’re at school. Having an Individual Healthcare Plan (IHP) in place for these children means schools know exactly how to support their medical, educational, social and emotional needs, allowing them to participate as fully as possible in school, whilst remaining safe.

In this article, we will explain what IHPs are and how they can be used to support children with medical conditions in schools, who would benefit from an IHP and what information they should include. We will also provide you with a free, downloadable Individual Healthcare Plan template that can be adapted for use.

Pupil in the classroom

What is an Individual Healthcare Plan?

An Individual Healthcare Plan, also known as an IHP or IHCP, is a plan drawn up for children with ongoing medical conditions that details the support they may need in school, in order for their condition to be managed correctly and safely. 

IHPs help to make sure that children are both safe and included in school by giving staff detailed information and guidance on how to provide support for their needs – primarily medical needs relating to their condition – but equally any educational, social or emotional needs that might stem from it. 

An IHP sets out exactly what support is needed, how it should be given, when and by whom. This means that everyone knows their responsibilities for keeping the child as safe as possible in school, including, most importantly, in the event of a medical emergency. 

Teacher working with a pupil

An Individual Healthcare Plan is not the same as an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan, which sets out the support required by children with special educational needs. However, some children will have both an IHP and an EHC plan. Unlike an EHC plan, an IHP does not rely on a formal statutory process, meaning an IHP can be drawn up as soon as it’s identified that a child has an appropriate medical need and can be reviewed at any time. 

It’s essential that anyone with permission to access a child’s IHP is able to find, understand and use it quickly and efficiently. Anyone who may need to become involved in an emergency situation involving the child should have permission to access their IHP.

This may include: 

  • Teachers.
  • Headteacher.
  • School nurses.
  • Lunchtime staff, including monitors. 
  • Safeguarding officers.
  • Pastoral Staff. 
  • Teaching assistants. 
  • Extra curricular staff.

Only those with permission should be able to access an IHP, otherwise it must be kept confidential. Any decision to share an IHP must be made in collaboration between the school’s headteacher and the child’s parent or guardian, as well as the child themselves where appropriate. 

Who Should be Involved in Writing an IHP?

An Individual Healthcare Plan must be a collaborative effort, with different voices representing the child and providing insight into how their condition can affect various aspects of their life. 

It should be written in collaboration between: 

  • The child’s school – a representative from the child’s school could be anyone who is involved in providing support for them at school. This may be a teacher, general teaching assistant, 1:1 teaching assistant, SEN assistant and/or pastoral care staff. These individuals can provide insight into how the child’s condition impacts their education. 
  • The child’s parents or carers – of those involved in developing the IHP, parents/carers will often have the greatest understanding and experience of the child’s condition, outside of the child themselves, including how it affects them in everyday life. They will have experience of providing daily care and managing the child’s condition at home, making them best placed to know what kind of similar support the child will need in school. Take a look at our article on effective communication with parents in education, here
  • The child – this is appropriate if the child fully understands what is being discussed. If a child is over 14, it is generally advised that they are involved in the drawing up of their own IHP as they are nearing adulthood, when they will become responsible for their own welfare. The child should be as involved as possible in discussions relating to the support they need, sharing their views and what matters most to them. 
  • Healthcare professional/s – this is someone who provides medical care and support for the child and may include their GP, hospital consultants, physical therapists, etc. They can provide guidance on the specific medical support a child will require, including treatments and/or medications. They can also advise on any training staff members will need to provide this support safely, including in the event of an emergency. 

This is not an exhaustive list of the individuals that can be involved in drawing up or reviewing an IHP. Other representatives may be part of the process depending on the child, their condition and their needs.

Teacher discussing a healthcare plan with pupil and parent

The collaborative nature of writing and reviewing an IHP has additional safeguarding benefits, as it allows different agencies to come together and get a full insight into that child’s day-to-day life. This means that any concerns about the child should be identified and reported quickly. You can read our article on creating a safeguarding culture in schools, here

Who Needs an IHP?

Any child with an ongoing medical condition that affects their health and wellbeing and may require medication or treatment at school should be considered for an Individual Healthcare Plan. If their condition is severe and/or they have complex medical needs, it’s strongly advised that they have one drawn up, particularly if they are at high risk of a medical emergency. 

However, there are no specific guidelines for what kind of health condition a child must have for them to need an IHP and, while a parent or guardian can request that their child has one drawn up, it is ultimately up to the child’s school to decide whether or not they receive one. 

Some of the most common conditions that would necessitate a child to have an IHP include, but are not limited to: 

  • Diabetes. 
  • Epilepsy. 
  • Asthma. 
  • Allergies. 
  • Continence issues. 

Every child will cope differently with their condition, requiring varying levels of care and support. Some ongoing medical conditions will pose less risk to a child than others and may not require complex care. Some children may be willing and able to administer their own medication or treatment for their condition. 

In these cases, an IHP may not be necessary for that child, however, other children with the same condition may still need one. Different children will cope differently with the same condition, requiring different levels of care and support. For this reason, schools must consider each individual case carefully when deciding whether or not to draw up an IHP.

Ideally, the decision whether an IHP is necessary for a child should be a collaborative one between their school, their parent/guardian and their healthcare representative. However, if all parties cannot agree, the decision should rest with the headteacher. 

A child with a healthcare condition

How Can an IHP Support a Child With Allergies?

20% of serious allergic reactions to food involving children happen when they are at school. Having a serious food allergy puts children at risk of anaphylaxis, an emergency situation that requires a specific medical response – injection with an adrenaline auto-injector (AAI). 

If a child has a serious food allergy, they may benefit from having an IHP in place, as school staff need to know exactly how to respond, without delay, if an allergic reaction occurs. If staff don’t know how to provide the correct support for a child during an allergic reaction, the outcome can be fatal. 

If a child suffers from an allergic reaction at school and, for any reason, their own AAI can’t be used on them without delay, staff are not permitted to use another child’s AAI on them. To combat this problem, under changes to the Human Medicines (Amendment) Regulations 2017, schools can now buy back-up AAIs without a prescription. 

Back-up AAIs may be used on children experiencing anaphylaxis. However, schools need to have written permission from the child’s parents and their medical care provider before they can use a spare AAI in an emergency. This permission can be written into that child’s IHP, so that if an emergency situation arises, it can be dealt with immediately. This exemplifies just one way an IHP can protect a child with allergies in school. 

An IHP should also outline the training school staff need to be able to spot the signs of and manage allergic reactions effectively, as well as any triggers for that particular child and ways to reduce the risk of allergic reactions happening at all, also known as allergen avoidance

A child using an AAI

The Benedict Blythe Foundation works to safeguard children with allergies in schools and support them to achieve their learning potential. They launched a campaign called Protect Pupils With Allergies that seeks to turn some of the current recommendations around keeping children with allergies safe in schools into legislation, meaning schools must implement them. 

One of these recommendations is for every child with an allergy to have an IHP and anaphylaxis action plan completed and regularly updated, in collaboration between the child, their parent/guardian and the school. An anaphylaxis action plan functions as an emergency care plan for a child with allergies.

Other recommendations include having an allergy policy in place, having spare, in-date AAIs and implementing staff training on allergies and anaphylaxis in a whole school allergy awareness approach. You can learn more about the campaign and offer support, here

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Looking to Learn More?

Our Food Allergen Awareness Training Course teaches food handlers, including school caterers, about food hypersensitivities – including allergens, how to be compliant with the UK’s allergen laws and how to label and communicate allergen information properly in order to keep people with allergies safe.

What Information Should an IHP Include?

An IHP should be a clear, unambiguous description of a child’s health condition/s, how it affects them and the support they will need at school to help them overcome any barriers that would prevent them from having the same opportunities and experiences as other children, as far as possible. 

There are no set guidelines for what an IHP must include and it’s ultimately up to the school how they decide to set one out and what to include in it, depending on each individual child and their requirements. 

How detailed an IHP is will depend on the complexity and severity of their condition and support required. However, an effective IHP should include at least the sections listed below. 

Personal Details

This includes the child’s: 

  • Name. 
  • Date of birth. 
  • Year and class group details. 
  • Photograph, if possible, so staff can recognise them. 
  • Medical condition/s and  triggers/symptoms that can affect them. 
  • A clear outline of what to do in an emergency. 

There also needs to be contact details for the child’s parent/guardian, their GP and any other relevant healthcare providers – such as a clinician or consultant – or essential contacts. 

Medical Support Requirements

This section should include any daily medication and/or treatment requirements that must be administered at school, including: 

  • The name of the medication.
  • Dose and frequency of administration
  • Storage requirements
  • Clear guidance on how to administer medication.
  • The expiry date.
  • How often medication or equipment should be checked and by whom – this is to make sure medication is still in date and not close to running out. 
  • Side effects to the medications, along with any other medications or treatments the child has outside of school and their possible side effects. 
  • Any self-administered medications or treatments, with the name of the person responsible for supervising self-administration and how they are expected to supervise.  
A child using an inhaler

Staff Responsibilities

This section should include a list of who has responsibility for providing support for the child at school. Everyone listed here should have access to and have read the IHP and be aware of their exact responsibilities concerning the child’s care. 

It must also list the training that each staff member requires to fulfil their responsibilities, as well as any training they already have, when it was completed and when this training is valid until. A named individual, documented within the plan, should be responsible for ensuring staff receive their necessary training and keep a record of this information.

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Need a Course?

Take a look at our range of CPD certified Teaching and Education Courses, including Epilepsy Awareness TrainingAnaphylaxis Awareness Training and Paediatric First Aid Training. 

The Child’s Views

Children should be encouraged to be as involved in developing their IHP as possible, where appropriate. They should be allowed to offer insight into how their condition affects them at school; physically, socially and emotionally and will be able to provide insight into areas they feel they need support in and others they perhaps don’t. It is also helpful to consider whether or not the child feels comfortable sharing their condition with their classmates, or whether they would prefer for this to be as confidential as possible. 

These views should be considered while writing the rest of the plan. You can find guidance on encouraging children to express their feelings and emotions in our article, here

Emergency Response

This is a vital section of the IHP as it outlines exactly what staff must do in the event of a medical emergency. This should address: 

  • What constitutes an emergency situation?
  • What are the signs and symptoms of an emergency? 
  • What can trigger an emergency? 
  • Who is responsible in an emergency? 
  • What action/s should be taken by responsible staff members if an emergency occurs? 
  • Should any follow up actions be taken after an emergency situation to support the child? You can learn about how to support individuals who have received first aid assistance in our article, here
  • When should an ambulance be called? 

By answering these questions, responsible staff know exactly how to respond if an emergency arises and can act without delay, reducing the risk to the child. 

In this section, it is important to have appropriate and significant information to hand if an ambulance is required. This way, an effective medical response can be obtained quickly as possible, without having to search for essential information. An example of this is included in the Individual Healthcare Plan template at the end of this article. 

A child in hospital

Daily Support Requirements

Here you should detail any regular support the child may need at school to ensure their condition doesn’t prevent them having the same opportunities as others and to keep them safe. This is where input from the different parties involved in a child’s care is particularly important. 

You should include: 

  • Dietary support – is there anything the child may need to eat and drink as part of the treatment of their condition, as well as any food or drinks they should not consume? You may indicate here if the child needs to eat at a certain time of day or needs assistance eating or drinking. 
  • Educational support – consider how the child’s condition affects their ability to learn in school and outside of it. For example, does it impact their behaviour and/or concentration and could any adjustments be made to support their learning experiences in light of this? For example, they might require extra lessons or additional breaks. 
  • Attendance support – having an ongoing medical condition can affect a child’s attendance and in turn their ability to fully engage in school. What can be done to support the child if their attendance is affected, what might they need while they’re away to make sure they keep up, or upon returning to be able to catch up? 
  • Activities support – outline any additional support the child may need to take part in certain activities at school, particularly physical activity. For example, if they need more time to get between lessons, need extra toilet breaks or would benefit from using the disabled toilets. Think about if any other factors might affect how well they can engage in activities, such as weather or location. 
School pupils taking part in a sports lesson
  • SEN support – detail here any SEN support the child may need in addition to their medical support. Think about whether their SEN may affect or be affected by their condition.
  • Social support – think about how the child’s condition could affect their ability to engage socially in school, particularly if they need to take a lot of time off school. Remember that adult involvement in social situations changes the nature of socialising between children and young adults, so they need opportunities to socialise with other children without an adult present. 
  • Emotional support – consider what kind of emotional challenges might be expected for the child because of their condition and any strategies they have in place, or that could be implemented, to help them deal with this. This might include counselling. 
  • Any other support requirements – outline any support you feel would help the child to be fully involved in school that hasn’t already been mentioned.

You can learn more about supporting social, emotional and mental health in pupils in our article, here

Extra Curricular Arrangements

You must detail any additional support required for school activities that take place outside of the school or outside of regular timetabling. For example, school trips – particularly overnight trips – sports clubs or matches and after-school clubs. 

The IHP should state who is primarily responsible for providing medical care in these situations, should the child need it, including in the case of an emergency. Again, these people must have read and understood the IHP and their responsibilities and have sufficient training to provide care.

A school trip

The plan should conclude with details of the annual review date, including any known reasons why the plan may need to be updated sooner than this. 

However, it’s important to remember that when a child has an ongoing medical condition, their needs can change at any time, without warning, so a plan can be reviewed at any time before the annual date. 

Anyone permitted to make changes to the IHP, as well as the sections they are allowed to change, should be listed here, too. 

Finally, the plan must be signed by:

  • The child or young person.  
  • Their parents/guardians.
  • The school representative. 
  • The healthcare representative. 

This is to verify that they have consented to the plan and the programme of support laid out in it. 

Individual Healthcare Plan Template

The following template includes all of the essential sections we have just discussed. However, every child and their situation is unique so, should you decide that a particular child would benefit from additional support that isn’t outlined in this template, you should include this in your plan. 

You can download our free individual healthcare plan template, here: 

Children should be able to take part in school life without worrying about their medical condition. They, and their parents or guardians, must be assured that they are in an environment where they’ll always receive any support they need, quickly and correctly. Having an IHP is vital for achieving this and is something you should consider implementing for any child in your school with an ongoing medical condition. 

Further Resources:

The post What is an Individual Healthcare Plan? appeared first on The Hub | High Speed Training.

What Should a School Food Allergy Policy Cover? Mon, 25 Sep 2023 08:30:00 +0000 Having a comprehensive allergen policy in place is essential to protect pupils with food hypersensitivities. Download an editable school food allergy policy here.

The post What Should a School Food Allergy Policy Cover? appeared first on The Hub | High Speed Training.

According to Allergy UK, almost one in 12 young children suffer from food allergies. The reactions which children can experience range from mild to life-threatening, with the most severe reaction being anaphylaxis.

With children spending a significant amount of time at school, it is vital that those with food allergies feel safe and can thrive without worrying about an allergic reaction.

In this article, we will outline what a school food allergy policy aims to do and what should be covered in the policy. We will also provide you with an editable example to use so you can feel confident when creating your own policy.

A boy eating lunch at school

What is a Food Allergy Policy for Schools?

Schools are busy and exciting environments, but for pupils with food hypersensitivities, attending school and managing this can be daunting. It can also be incredibly worrisome for their parents and carers. For some children with food allergies, even trace amounts of a certain ingredient can be enough to trigger a severe reaction, so it’s essential to take these conditions seriously.

It is not only food allergies to be aware of, but also wider food hypersensitivities. The term food hypersensitivity encompasses allergies, intolerances and coeliac disease. Whilst symptoms linked to intolerances and coeliac disease may not be immediately life threatening, they can cause very unpleasant symptoms. Over time, if coeliacs ingest gluten, it can cause serious health issues. If you would like to understand more about food hypersensitivities, take a look at our article: What is Food Hypersensitivity?

Having a food allergy policy can demonstrate the school’s conscientious approach to dealing with food hypersensitivities, and allowing parents and carers to access this can be very reassuring. It shows that consideration has been taken, and additional planning has been carried out to provide a safe environment for children who experience adverse reactions to certain ingredients.

The policy needs to cover information such as the signs of an allergic reaction, how to prepare and serve food safely for pupils with hypersensitivities and how to act in an emergency. It should also be created in line with relevant guidelines and legislation, some of which we will explain below.

Food Allergy School Guidelines

The Children & Families Act 2014 makes it a legal requirement to make arrangements for pupils with medical conditions in school, including food allergies. This means that schools must take time to consider the additional steps needed to provide safe and fulfilling environments for all pupils with food allergies.

When considering the food served at school in particular, The Food Information Regulations, 2014, requires all food businesses, including school caterers, to ensure that allergen information is clearly provided for all food they serve. From October 2021, food which is prepared and packaged on the same site (Pre-Packed for Direct Sale), such as sandwiches and salads, must have a full ingredients list, with allergens clearly highlighted. Your school allergy policy should outline how you operate in line with these regulations.

Children getting their school lunch

To make it a little easier to provide for pupils with food hypersensitivities, many will have an Individual Healthcare Plan (IHP), which is created by a medical professional, such as their GP. Considering the guidance offered in children’s IHP’s can be incredibly helpful when designing a Food Allergy Policy.

Recently, a campaign by the Benedict Blythe Foundation was launched, calling for several steps to become mandatory in schools regarding allergies and anaphylaxis. One of these was for all schools to have an effective allergy policy, including an anaphylaxis plan. It also calls for the provision for children with food allergies to be monitored more closely by Ofsted.

Taking all of this into account, it’s clear that managing food hypersensitivities safely in school is a vital element of safeguarding children. You can learn more about the legislation surrounding all parts of safeguarding in our hub article here.

What Should a School Food Allergy Policy Include?

The details of what should be included in your food allergy policy will depend on the specific risks in your setting. However, all policies need to cover certain essential topics. With this in mind, your food allergy policy must cover the following:

  • An explanation of allergies and anaphylaxis – this should include the symptoms to look out for, which might indicate an allergic reaction, alongside a clear explanation of anaphylaxis and the 14 food allergens which pupils are most likely to react to.
  • Details of specific roles and responsibilities – in this section, you should explain the roles of teachers and parents, alongside any additional specific roles such as that of the headteacher or school nurse.
  • An anaphylaxis emergency response plan – the response plan should detail exactly what to do should a pupil experience an anaphylactic reaction, including where to locate Adrenaline Auto-Injectors (AAIs) and how and when to use these. This section should also detail how AAIs are stored correctly.
  • An outline of the training provided for staff – the policy must also detail how staff are trained to deal with allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis. It is imperative that staff are trained properly to respond to an emergency confidently and effectively.
  • Details of catering arrangements – how catering is planned and provided for pupils with food allergies and hypersensitivities should be outlined, including how this is communicated to parents/carers. It should also include how allergens are managed concerning pupils bringing food from home into school.
  • How effective communication is achieved – you should consider how food allergy awareness is shared amongst staff, pupils and parents. This will allow you to achieve awareness and understanding amongst the whole school community.
  • Risk assessment – the policy should also cover how risk assessments are carried out for food allergies in school, educational visits and other extracurricular activities.
  • Safeguarding – pupils with food allergies are likely to require an additional level of safeguarding, and this should also be outlined in the policy. A rising issue in schools is allergy bullying. Schools should be aware of this and plan how this is dealt with in the safeguarding section of their policy. You can read more about this in our hub article: How to Spot Allergy Bullying.
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Looking to Learn More?

We offer various courses designed to provide the skills needed to cater for and safeguard those with food allergies and hypersensitivities, such as our Food Allergen Awareness Course, or Anaphylaxis Awareness.

Should I Have A Nut Free School Policy?

With nut allergies being one of the most common food allergies among children, it may seem like having a completely nut-free policy is the best way forward. However, this should be approached cautiously, and some allergy experts advise against this.

This is because it can be very challenging for staff to monitor this type of policy. Many children bring a packed lunch to school, and food items containing nuts can easily be brought into school this way. Even with vigilance from parents, it might not always be obvious that a product contains nuts and with busy households, it’s easy for a mistake to happen. To understand more about precautionary allergy food labelling, take a look at our article here.

Mixed nuts

It’s also worth noting that labelling the school as ‘nut free’ may create a false sense of security and can cause pupils, staff and parents to be a little more complacent when it comes to the management and monitoring of food allergies.

However, the decision regarding whether or not to implement a nut free policy depends upon the school itself. For example, a nut free policy is seen more often in Primary Schools than Secondary Schools. This is because a smaller site, and reduced number of pupils in a Primary School may mean that a nut free policy can be monitored more carefully and is therefore considered to be achievable.

Can Schools Have Spare Adrenaline Auto Injectors?

Adrenaline Auto Injectors (AAIs) are used to treat severe anaphylactic reactions; you may recognise them from their brand names ‘Epipen’ or ‘Jext’. Part of the campaign mentioned earlier by the Benedict Blythe Foundation calls for schools to ensure they have spare, in-date AAIs available at all times.


By law, schools can obtain spare AAIs without a prescription. However, they are not required to do so. There are benefits to holding spare AAIs, though. For example, one can be administered if a pupil suffers an anaphylactic shock and has forgotten their AAI, it is out of date, broken or initially administered incorrectly. It is crucial, however, that any staff member who administers an AAI has received training to allow them to do this correctly.

You should state your school’s position on this matter in your policy. If the school does choose to have spare AAIs, the policy needs to explain how and where they are stored and detail the situations in which they may be used.

Example School Food Allergy Policy

As we’ve explained throughout this article, having a comprehensive allergen policy in place is essential to protect the staff and pupils who suffer from food hypersensitivities. To help with this, we have created an editable school food allergy policy example that you can use within your school.

Our template has space for you to edit and fill in your school’s details and contains the following sections:

  • Introduction.
  • Background information.
  • Roles and responsibilities.
  • Emergency anaphylaxis response plan.
  • Supply, storage and care of medication.
  • The storage and use of spare adrenaline auto injectors in school.
  • Staff training.
  • Safeguarding.
  • Catering.
  • Extra-curricular activities.
  • Communication and allergy awareness.
  • Risk assessment.

Whilst this example policy exemplifies what should be included in each section, you must tailor your allergen policy to the specific nature of your school and the risks associated with your setting.

You can download our editable example policy at the button below:

Free Food Allergens Poster for Schools

Print out and display this handy poster in school kitchens, snack areas and around the classroom to make sure everyone is kept informed.

We hope you have found this article helpful and informative. Keeping pupils with food hypersensitivities safe at school is paramount and takes careful planning and consideration. An effective food allergy policy can help you ensure that the school community is confident, prepared and aware of how best to safeguard pupils with allergies and allow them to relax and enjoy their time at school.

Further Resources:

The post What Should a School Food Allergy Policy Cover? appeared first on The Hub | High Speed Training.

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How to Spot Allergy Bullying Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:30:00 +0000 Allergy bullying can quickly become very serious, it is important that parents and school staff can spot the signs and learn how to prevent it. Find out more here.

The post How to Spot Allergy Bullying appeared first on The Hub | High Speed Training.

An allergy is where the body’s immune system reacts to a substance that is usually harmless, like dust, pollen or certain foods. The immune system mistakenly recognises the substance as a threat and has an inappropriate response, producing the symptoms of an allergic reaction. These reactions can range from mild and irritating, to life threatening if anaphylaxis occurs. 

In the UK, 40% of children are living with a diagnosed allergy. This means that most school classrooms will have at least one pupil who has an allergy. Allergies can seriously impact a child’s quality of life, in all aspects of life, including their time at school. Because having an allergy can make a child appear different from those around them, it can also lead to bullying

Allergy bullying can be extremely dangerous for a child with an allergy, potentially even deadly. In this article, we will cover what allergy bullying is, how you can spot it and the steps you can take to prevent it from happening in schools.

School children in a food hall

What is Allergy Bullying?

Allergy bullying occurs when someone with an allergy, usually a child or teenager, is bullied because they have an allergy to something. 

Food allergy bullying is the most common form of allergy bullying and, although it’s not one of the most talked about forms of bullying, as many as 32% of children have reported being bullied due to having a food allergy at least once. It can range from mean comments and teasing, to an allergic child being physically threatened with or tricked into handling or eating their allergen.

The consequences of allergy bullying can be extremely serious. For some children, being exposed to even a small amount of their allergen can put them at risk of anaphylaxis which, if not handled quickly and correctly, can result in death. 

20% of serious allergic reactions to food involving children happen when they are at school. This can make sending a child with an allergy to school a daunting prospect for their parent or guardian. This is made worse by the prospect that their child could be threatened with their allergen by another child and that they may be treated poorly simply for having an allergy. 

Although a child may have the knowledge and tools to keep themselves safe from their allergen, they can’t necessarily control what other people do to them and this puts them at risk. 

A depiction of a child experiencing allergy bullying

Why Does Allergy Bullying Happen?

Bullying can take various forms and happen for many reasons but one of the main causes is when there is a perceived difference between the victim and those around them. This might relate to the victim’s:

  • Sexuality.
  • Race. 
  • Religion.
  • Physical or mental health problem, including allergies.

However, ultimately bullying can result from anything that makes them appear or act differently to others.

There are several things that can make a child with an allergy appear different to others. For example, they might not be able to eat the same thing as other children or they might have to wear medical identification or carry an adrenaline auto-injector (AAI). 

All of these things can single a child out as a target for bullies, particularly if other children don’t understand why the victim has to do these things. This could be the case if children are not properly educated about what allergies and allergic reactions are and the potential consequences of them. 

This can also mean that children who take part in allergy bullying aren’t aware of the potential consequences of what they’re doing. Allergies can often be an invisible condition, until someone suffers a serious allergic reaction. Unless a child sees a severe reaction happen, they may not fully understand the consequences their physical threats could have. 

For example, they might think that throwing peanuts at a child with a nut allergy is funny and might cause them to get itchy. However, in some cases, this could be enough to cause an anaphylaxis reaction. Although the perpetrator may view peanut allergy bullying as a funny prank, for the victim, this could be perceived as a violent threat. 

A child that is uncomfortable around food as a result of allergy bullying

The Impact of Allergy Bullying

It’s not only physical threats that can harm an allergic child, either. Verbal bullying can severely impact their mental wellbeing and self-worth, which can continue into adulthood. It may cause stress, anxiety, depression, self-harm and even suicide. 

Allergy bullying can be particularly dangerous because it may lead victims to take risky or dangerous measures to stop the bullying from happening. For example, allergic children may: 

  • Stop wearing their medical ID to avoid being singled out for having an allergy. 
  • Stop carrying around their AAI so other children don’t find it and bully them for it. 
  • Try to appear more ‘normal’ by acting as though they aren’t allergic to their allergen at all, which may include trying to handle or consume the allergen. 

Even allergic children who aren’t yet being bullied may perform these behaviours to avoid becoming targets themselves.

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Looking to Learn More?

Our Food Allergen Awareness Training Course teaches food handlers, including school caterers, about food hypersensitivities – including allergens, how to be compliant with the UK’s allergen laws and how to label and communicate allergen information properly in order to keep people with allergies safe.

How Can You Spot Allergy Bullying?

It can sometimes be challenging to identify when a child is being bullied and, while asking them outright might seem like the simplest approach, this isn’t necessarily the case. The child may not want to disclose that they’re being bullied out of shame or embarrassment and in some cases – particularly among younger children – a victim of bullying may not realise what they are experiencing is bullying.

For these reasons, it’s more effective to ask children gentle, open questions that can help to uncover any changes in their behaviour and social life that might indicate they are being bullied. 

You should ask questions such as: 

  • Who have you been sitting with at lunch and/or on the bus recently? 
  • Have you been finding it easy/difficult to keep away from your allergen at school?
  • Is everyone at your school nice or are there any children you don’t get along with? Why do you think that is? 
  • What was the best/worst thing that happened at school today? 
  • Do you feel safe in school? 
  • Do you think the other children at school understand what it means that you have an allergy? 

In addition to being able to communicate with a child about potential bullying, it’s also incredibly important that you are able to recognise the signs that a child may be experiencing allergy bullying. 

Signs to look out for in a child include: 

  • Being reluctant, or making excuses not to do activities they once enjoyed.
  • Changes in their eating and/or sleeping habits. 
  • Having an unexplained drop in their school performance. 
  • Being unwilling to carry their allergy medication or medical ID around with them. 
  • Walking to school if they previously took the bus. 
  • Changing who they sit with at lunch. 
  • Spending time alone and/or losing friends. 
  • Showing increased anxiety, possibly around their allergy, including panic attacks. 
  • Becoming withdrawn, depressed and/or unusually angry. 
  • Talking negatively about themselves. 
A mother consoling their upset child after they have experienced allergy bullying

How to Prevent Allergy Bullying in Schools

There are a number of ways for both school staff and parents to reduce the risk of allergy bullying in schools. These are listed below.

Having Clear and Concise School Policies

Every state school is required to have a behaviour policy in place, by law, which is decided by the school. This policy should be the first line of defence against bullying in schools and must: 

  • Explain what kind of behaviour is not permitted at the school, including the different types of bullying. 
  • State how cases of bullying or inappropriate behaviour should be dealt with if they happen.
  • Include an anti-bullying strategy for preventing all types of bullying, including allergy bullying. 

This policy should be clearly communicated to both school staff and parents so everyone understands and is reassured that the response to unacceptable behaviour will be consistent, proportionate and certain. 

It should also be communicated to pupils in a way that is accessible and easy to understand – for example, having regular assemblies on school values and expectations, bi-annual anti-bullying newsletters and an annual anti-bullying day. 

School staff must be trained to implement and uphold the policy in all situations so they can respond to inappropriate behaviour correctly.

Schools should also have a well-written and communicated allergy policy that covers safeguarding children with allergies from bullying. You can find out what your food allergy policy needs to cover here

Allergy Awareness

To prevent allergy bullying from happening, it’s absolutely essential that school children and staff are taught what allergies actually are, and what they aren’t, and what they can mean for the person who has one. For example, they should understand that a food allergy is not the same as an intolerance but instead can have life changing consequences. This should include educating them on how allergies do and do not affect the lives of allergic people and why they might require a child to do things differently to other children. 

Children should also be taught about the potential harmful effects of an allergic reaction and how severe these can be so they fully understand the full impact their physical threats could have on an allergic child. If you want to learn how to spot the signs of an allergic reaction to food, check out our article, here

A whole-school approach to allergy awareness is essential for creating understanding and acceptance. 

This can be achieved through: 

  • Dedicated assemblies or talks in lessons.
  • Special projects or workshops.
  • Putting up allergy awareness resources in the school, such as posters. We have a free, downloadable poster which details the 14 named food allergens that you can print and display in your school. You can find it here.
  • Giving someone with experience the chance to talk to pupils. This could be a child in the school who has an allergy and is willing to talk about it with others, or an external speaker. Either way, hearing first hand experiences is important for building understanding of allergies.

Anaphylaxis UK and Allergy UK both offer a hub of free resources you can use to build your own allergy awareness and promote allergy awareness in children. 

Children in a school assembly

If a child is educated on the consequences their bullying could have on an allergic person, this should encourage those who view their teasing as a ‘joke’ to reconsider what they are doing. 

It’s also essential that parents and teachers teach children what allergy bullying looks like. This is beneficial to victims as they can identify and report when they are being bullied but also to other children who might witness the bullying, so they can either intervene and stand up for them, or report it themselves. 

Modelling Inclusive Behaviour

Children often model their behaviour on what the adults closest to them do. For example, if a parent decides to exclude an allergic child from a birthday party because they want to serve food the child is allergic to, then their child might go on to repeat this behaviour in their own life and begin to exclude the child from their social circle. As an adult in a child’s life, you must be a role model for inclusivity. 

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Looking for a Course?

Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (ECI) Training Course teaches you how to promote equality and diversity and promote inclusion, both in and outside your workplace, whatever your role. 

Avoiding Singling Out, Discriminating Against or Stigmatising Allergic Students

As a member of staff, it’s your responsibility to strike the right balance between keeping children safe in school and creating a culture where children with allergies are able to participate fully. Consider how your approach might affect that child’s relationship with others. 

For example, if a teacher tells a class that they can’t have cake for someone’s birthday because Jimmy is allergic to nuts, by naming the child they put him at risk of being singled out with negativity from other children. This could escalate to allergy bullying. 

As school staff, you should also avoid, wherever possible, doing anything that physically isolates allergic children from their peers as this constitutes allergy discrimination. For example, putting all of the allergic children in the school on a separate table at lunch. While this keeps them safe from their allergen, it draws attention to their allergy and makes them seem different from others, potentially increasing the risk of bullying. 

An upset child that is experiencing allergy bullying at school

This is the same for exclusion from any activity and should only be done if it’s agreed in the child’s Allergy Management Plan. All efforts should be made to make allergic children feel as included as possible at school, even if that means taking measures to remove their allergen from the environment. 

Children with allergies should also not be labelled as, or implied to be, either victims or vulnerable. Although it’s important to make other children understand that allergic children are at increased risk of harm, this shouldn’t be done in a way that makes them seem weak or an easy target.

If you are a member of school staff, knowing how to conduct a food allergen risk assessment for your school will allow you to deliver a safe, inclusive and best practice environment for both pupils and staff. We offer a free, downloadable food allergen risk assessment template that you can use in your school, here

Instilling Confidence

When it comes to preventing allergy bullying, it’s vitally important that children with allergies feel happy and confident about the fact they have an allergy. They should be taught that it’s not something to feel ashamed or embarrassed of. If a child is confident to speak about their allergies and doesn’t feel the need to hide it, it becomes far less likely that other children will see their allergy as something to pick on them for. 

A confident child is also more likely to stand up to their bullies or report them if something happens, rather than keeping it to themselves, as a lack of confidence can make a child feel they deserve what’s happening to them.

Representation of a parent teaching a child to be happy and confident

Relationship Building

It’s up to an allergic child and their parent or guardian whether they tell other children about their allergy. While school staff must be aware to help keep them safe, they should not expose that child’s condition to other children. However, you may want to encourage them to talk about and educate their friends about their allergy, to begin to remove the stigma around it. 

Research shows that having supportive friends makes allergic children less likely to take part in dangerous behaviours relating to their allergy. This is likely because they feel more accepted and less like they need to perform to fit in. Having a strong circle of friends can also reduce the likelihood of that child being bullied. 

Another method of relationship building between allergic children and their peers is through a buddy system, though this is usually more effective among younger children who may not have developed a close circle of friends. A buddy system can help the child to feel supported and gives them the opportunity to share as much or as little as they want about their allergy. 

You might also want to build a food allergy community in your school, for example by starting a club for children with allergies, and those who are just interested, to meet up and talk on a completely optional basis. Having a community and meeting others who understand them can help children feel safe and supported and build their confidence around their allergy. 

Allergy bullying can quickly become a life or death situation and this is something no child should have to worry about when they go to school. When children are able to understand each other and their differences, this will create a more tolerant and accepting environment for everyone which is why teaching allergy awareness is essential. 

Further Resources:

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Food Allergen Policy: Free Template Mon, 31 Jul 2023 08:30:00 +0000 Having a food allergen policy is important to ensure you are complying with regulations. Find the information to include and download your free template here.

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If you work in hospitality, it is vital that you have an understanding of allergens and can demonstrate your commitment to reducing any potential risk. A lack of knowledge around food allergies can have devastating effects and can even result in death. Therefore, it is essential that you ensure the health and safety of your guests and staff alike. 

In this article, we will outline the purpose of a food allergy policy and the information that it should include. We will also provide you with a downloadable food allergen policy template for you to use when writing your own food allergen policy. 

What is a Food Allergen Policy?

Food allergen policies demonstrate an organisation’s commitment to reducing the risk to staff, visitors and customers concerning food provision and production which could cause allergic reactions. Not only do food allergen policies demonstrate that you are conscientious and care about your customers, visitors and staff, but they also show your dedication to preventing allergic reactions wherever possible.  

Any business that produces, manufactures, distributes, sells and/or handles food needs an allergen policy. This will provide you and your staff with information on how to handle, store, prepare and serve allergenic food products safely. 

Those responsible for creating food allergen policies are senior leaders in the business. For example, the business owner, the head chef or the manager. This should be done in collaboration to ensure it meets the correct criteria and then should be communicated with everyone in the business. 

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Food Allergens Report 2024

In our Food Allergens Report 2024, we have investigated the current state of allergy safety in UK eateries. Eager to uncover the truth? Read the report here.

Why is an Allergen Policy Important for the Food Industry?

Food allergen policies show staff, customers and food safety officers that you take the control of food allergens seriously. It also demonstrates that you have considered the hazards and have implemented control measures to prevent people from coming to harm. 

Having a food allergen policy is important to ensure you are complying with regulations. Not only does it benefit the customers at your business, but it also benefits your staff. 

Staff must be trained on allergens so they can do their job, the food allergen policy can be used to guide staff to giving customers the right information. As a customer, it is reassuring to know that you’re eating in a place where staff know exactly what is in each dish and have the paperwork that outlines the steps the business takes to create allergen safe dishes. 

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Want to Learn More?

Our Food Allergen Awareness Training will teach you how to comply with UK allergen awareness regulations and increase your understanding of common food allergens. You can also read more about Food Allergen Risk Assessments and Near Miss Reporting in our articles.

A lack of understanding around food allergens and food hyper-sensitivity can have fatal consequences, therefore it is essential that you do all that you can to prevent allergy incidents. 
Unfortunately, not all businesses have the necessary safety precautions and controls in place which has had fatal consequences. These devastating cases of fatal food allergen incidents have led to advancements in regulations, such as with Natasha’s Law. Other campaigns, such as Owen’s Law, seek to further improve the way businesses communicate allergens with their customers.

Owen’s Law

The tragic case of Owen Carey highlights the consequences of providing inaccurate information to those with food hypersensitivities. Owen was 18 years old when he suffered a fatal anaphylactic reaction.

Owen, who was allergic to multiple foods, including dairy, had ordered a chicken burger at a Byron restaurant in London. He was informed by the waiter that the dish was dairy free, but the chicken was marinated in buttermilk.

Shortly after leaving the restaurant, Owen began to suffer from symptoms of anaphylaxis which became increasingly worse before he collapsed and died. An inquest into his death discovered that the allergenic ingredient, buttermilk, was not clearly declared on the restaurant’s menu or by the server with whom Owen communicated.

Since Owen’s tragic death, his family have fought to change the law so that restaurants must state the allergens in their products clearly on the menu. This change could save lives.

The FSA (Food Standards Agency) agreed at their board meeting on 13th December 2023 that written allergen information should be compulsory in food businesses like coffee shops and restaurants. This is an important step in allergen awareness and board members will now write to the Government calling for change, backing the Owen’s Law argument.

What Should my Business Include in the Food Allergen Policy?

The food allergen policy is a tool your business can use to ensure safe procedures in handling allergens, it will help train your staff on the correct procedures to follow giving them information and it can also be used to demonstrate to customers the steps the business takes to reduce the risk of allergenic contamination. Therefore your food allergen policy should be detailed and thorough, and include what you need it to for your own business.

 As a guide, the policy should lay out the following:

  • The purpose of the policy: start by outlining what the policy is and the main objectives. 
  • The 14 food allergens: the policy should list the 14 food allergens contained within the law. You can find a free poster of the 14 allergens here
  • Allergy labelling legislation and regulations: explain the relevant regulations and legislation that the policy covers and how the business complies with them.
  • The business’ commitment: outline the ways in which your business takes precautions to ensure food allergen safety. 
  • Background information: provide an overview of food allergens, food intolerances and who is at risk or affected by food allergies. 
  • Responsibilities within the business: outline who is responsible for creating the food allergen policy and other documentation, the responsibility of the staff in the business, the chefs and senior leadership etc. 
  • Allergen information: explain how food allergen information is gathered, including training and documentation. 
  • Information for customers: describe how information about food allergens is shared with and provided to customers. 
  • Procedures: explain the procedures and precautions taken to ensure safety. This should include kitchen procedures, such as storage and preparation of food, service procedures, cleaning procedures etc. 
  • Emergency situations: explain what to do in an emergency situation, for example, if a customer has a severe allergic reaction. 
  • Inclusivity: describe how the business ensures that those with food allergies and intolerances are catered for in the business. 

Food Allergen Policy Template

Below is an example of a food allergen policy we have created for our fictional company, High Speed Treats. The information provided in the example demonstrates what a policy could look like and what sections it should include. You can use this as a prompt for your own business’ food allergen policy, however, you should make sure you create a policy to suit your business’s specific needs.

We have also attached a blank food allergen policy template below that you can download and edit. Take a look at our example food allergen policy and download your blank template on the buttons below:

We hope you have enjoyed reading this article and have learnt about the importance of food allergen policies. If you have any further questions or wish to find out more information on the topics covered in this article, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at High Speed Training!

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Spotting the Signs of an Allergic Reaction to Food Wed, 19 Jul 2023 08:30:00 +0000 While many food allergies can cause mild symptoms, in some cases, these can be severe. Understand the signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction here.

The post Spotting the Signs of an Allergic Reaction to Food appeared first on The Hub | High Speed Training.

In the UK, approximately 2 million people are living with a diagnosed food allergy. For some people, consuming even trace amounts of an allergen is enough to cause an allergic reaction. In severe cases, this can be life threatening. Therefore, if you work with, or around, people that suffer from a food hypersensitivity, it’s imperative that you understand the signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction and how to respond in the event of an emergency. 

In this article, we will outline the signs of an allergic reaction that you need to be aware of, explain how long it typically takes for these symptoms to show and discuss what to do if you notice any of the symptoms occurring.

What is a Food Allergy?

A food allergy is an immune system reaction by the body against a specific ingredient that the person has consumed, causing an allergic reaction. The most common symptoms are an itchy mouth and throat, a red rash and swelling of the face. More often than not, these symptoms are mild. However, in some cases, an allergic reaction can be severe and life-threatening.

Any food has the ability to cause an allergic reaction, however, allergies to certain foods are more common than others. There are 14 named allergens that you need to be aware of. By law, these allergens must be declared if they are used as an ingredient in a food product.

The 14 named allergens are:

  • Celery.
  • Cereals containing gluten.
  • Crustaceans.
  • Eggs.
  • Fish.
  • Lupin.
  • Molluscs.
  • Milk.
  • Mustard.
  • Nuts.
  • Peanuts.
  • Sesame.
  • Soya.
  • Sulphur dioxide and sulphites.

To help you remember the 14 named allergens, we have a free downloadable poster for you to use or display in your workplace. You can find it here.

Some people find their food allergy is easy to manage as their reactions are mild and can be kept under control by making careful food choices. For others, however, their food allergy can be life-threatening, and they need to seriously consider what they are eating on a daily basis. 

It’s essential to remember that while both conditions should be treated seriously, a food intolerance is not the same as a food allergy. You can learn more about food intolerances here


Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction to a specific food ingredient and can be life-threatening. It occurs because the immune system mistakenly identifies harmless substances – such as foods and medicines – as harmful ones, and so releases a range of chemicals into the body to deal with the perceived threat.

The chemicals that are released into the body during an anaphylactic shock, such as histamine, cause the body’s blood vessels to widen, blood pressure to drop and the airway to tighten, restricting breathing.

This type of allergic reaction is sometimes referred to as an ‘anaphylactic shock’. For more information, check out our article: Anaphylaxis FAQs.

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Need a Course?

Our Food Allergen Awareness Training and Anaphylaxis Awareness courses are designed to ensure learners have a thorough understanding of allergens and to help food handlers identify and label allergens correctly in order to comply with allergen laws and keep customers safe. If you work in the manufacturing industry, our Food Allergens in Manufacturing course will be more suited to your food business.

What are the Signs of an Allergic Reaction to Food?

The symptoms of an allergic reaction to food can differ between people, and the severity of their allergy. However, it’s essential that you can recognise the signs of an allergic reaction so that you can respond calmly and appropriately.

The most common symptoms are an itchy mouth and throat, a red rash and swelling of the face. These are likely to occur rapidly after eating the allergenic food. 

Other reactions include:

  • Watery eyes, sneezing and a blocked nose.
  • Flushing of the skin.
  • Hives (nettle rash).
  • Difficulty swallowing or speaking.
  • Severe asthma.
  • Alterations in heart rate.
  • Abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting.
  • Sudden weakness due to a drop in blood pressure.
  • Collapse and unconsciousness (anaphylactic shock).

In children, symptoms can also include:

  • Irritability or mood swings.
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Diarrhoea.
  • Bloody stools. 

Oral allergy syndrome – which is a hypersensitivity to plant-based foods – can also cause the lips, mouth, tongue and throat to feel irritated or itchy. Symptoms are similar to those of hayfever, are usually mild and will calm down within an hour, without the need for medical intervention. You can find out more about oral allergy syndrome in our article, here

It’s important to remember that people will display differing signs of suffering from an allergic reaction. They may present with one, several or all of the symptoms above.

What are the Signs of Anaphylaxis?

The symptoms of anaphylaxis usually develop immediately after eating an allergenic food but, unlike an allergic reaction, can quickly worsen. 

The symptoms may initially mirror those of an allergic reaction but often lead to:

  • Swelling of the mouth, throat or tongue.
  • Swollen eyes, lips, hands and feet.
  • Itchy or raised red skin.
  • Abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.
  • Difficulty breathing and swallowing.
  • Wheezing.
  • Feeling lightheaded or faint.
  • Collapse and unconsciousness.

Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency that can be life-threatening if it’s not treated quickly.

How Long Do Allergic Reactions Take to Start?

Most food allergy symptoms typically start to develop between a few seconds and a few minutes after eating the offending food. 

However, in rare cases, there can also be a delayed reaction – where the symptoms take anywhere between several hours to days to occur – so it’s important to remain vigilant regardless of how long it has been, and to seek medical attention if necessary. 

Delayed reactions are sometimes seen in children who develop eczema as a symptom of their food allergy, and this can easily be mistaken for a dermatological issue rather than an allergic reaction. 

The length of time it takes for symptoms to show can sometimes be explained by the type of food allergy the person suffers from, although there are always exceptions.

According to AllergyUK, food allergies can be divided into three types:

  • IgE-mediated. With this type of allergy, it is triggered by a person’s immune system producing the antibody immunoglobulin E (IgE), and the symptoms typically show between a few seconds and a few minutes after eating the offending food. This is the most common type of allergy, and it has a greater risk of anaphylaxis. 
  • Non-IgE-mediated. This type of allergy is caused by other cells in the immune system, not IgE, and is more likely to produce a delayed reaction in symptoms. 
  • Mixed IgE and non-IgE-mediated. Occasionally, people may experience symptoms from both of the first two types. 

What to Do When Having an Allergic Reaction to Food

When it comes to allergic reactions, they can vary in terms of severity. However, they can be a frightening experience for both the person concerned and any witnesses nearby. In some cases, the person may be experiencing a reaction for the first time. Your knowledge of the signs and symptoms of allergic reactions to food could therefore be crucial. 

If someone is having a mild allergic reaction, taking a medication called an antihistamine can help to relieve the symptoms and it’s unlikely that the person will need further medical treatment. 

However, if someone nearby is having a severe allergic reaction, you should:

  • Make sure the person is comfortable, ideally lying down or sitting in a chair. If they are having difficulty breathing, help them to lay down flat. 
  • If the person has an auto-injector, such as an EpiPen, Jext Pen or Emerade Pen, ask them to locate and use it. The casualty might be able to inject themselves, otherwise you can assist them. 
  • Call 999 for an ambulance as soon as possible and explain that the person is having a severe allergic reaction.
  • If there’s no improvement after 5 to 10 minutes, use the second auto-injector if a second dose is available. This must be administered in the opposite leg to the first injection. 

The main points to remember are: keep calm, call an ambulance and reassure the person.

What to Do If Someone is Having an Anaphylactic Shock

As we’ve established, anaphylactic shock is a medical emergency that can be life-threatening if it’s not treated quickly. It’s therefore essential that you know what you can do to help as acting quickly and responding appropriately could save someone’s life.

There are several steps that you should take if you think that somebody is experiencing the symptoms of anaphylaxis.

If the person is conscious:

  • You should first ensure the casualty is comfortable, ideally lying down or sitting in a chair. You can assist the casualty to lay down and raise their legs or sit them up and bend the knees if breathing is difficult.
  • You should then use an adrenaline auto-injector if one is available. If given promptly this could save the person’s life. The person might be able to inject themselves and will be familiar with how to do so, otherwise you can assist them in applying the injection.
  • Once the auto-injector has been used, call 999/112 for the emergency services as soon as possible.

If the person is or becomes unconscious:

  • The initial step of first aid for unconscious casualties is to do a primary survey of the person and their surroundings.
  • The primary survey is made up of 5 steps – Danger, Response, Airway, Breathing and Circulation, shortened to the initialism ‘DRABC’. It helps you to quickly identify whether there’s an immediate threat to the casualty’s life. 
  • Once you have carried out the DRABC steps you can administer the adrenaline auto-injector and call for the emergency services as you would if the person was conscious.

Following an anaphylactic reaction, the person should always be admitted to a hospital where they can be monitored, as a secondary reaction may occur hours later.

While many food allergies can cause mild symptoms, in some cases, these can be severe and potentially life-threatening. It is therefore crucial that you can recognise the signs and symptoms of allergic reactions and anaphylaxis. We hope you’ve found this article useful and informative. If you have any questions on any of the topics covered, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at High Speed Training on 0333 006 7000.

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Recognising Oral Allergy Syndrome (Pollen Food Syndrome) Fri, 23 Jun 2023 08:30:00 +0000 Oral allergy syndrome (pollen food syndrome) is a fairly common food hypersensitivity, Raise your awareness of the causes, symptoms and treatments here.

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A food hypersensitivity is an adverse reaction to food, whether it’s a food allergy, a food intolerance or an autoimmune disease, like coeliac disease. Oral allergy syndrome is a type of food hypersensitivity that can cause your mouth, lips and throat to become irritated when eating certain fruits, vegetables or nuts.

In this article, we’ll look at the importance of being aware of and understanding food allergies and hypersensitivities, the symptoms of oral allergy syndrome and how treatment for this condition can be administered. Whether you suffer from pollen food syndrome yourself, know someone who does or work in the food industry, having an understanding of allergies and their symptoms can be life-saving.

fruits and vegetables are some of the main foods associated with oral allergy syndrome

What is Oral Allergy Syndrome?

Oral allergy syndrome, also known as pollen food syndrome, is a hypersensitivity to plant-based foods, such as nuts, seeds, cereals, herbs, fruits and vegetables. If you have oral allergy syndrome, then eating these foods can cause your lips, mouth, tongue and throat to feel irritated or itchy.

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Looking to Learn More?

Our article on ’What is Food Hypersensitivity?’ provides further information on this topic.

What Causes Oral Allergy Syndrome?

Pollen food syndrome is fairly common in the UK and, as its name suggests, is linked to hayfever (a sensitivity to pollen). If you’re sensitive to airborne grass, weed or tree pollen in the spring and summer months then you’re more likely to experience oral allergy syndrome, though the two aren’t definitively linked and you can suffer from one and not the other.

The reason hayfever and oral allergy syndrome are often connected is because the protein structure of plant-based foods is very similar to that of tree and grass pollen, causing the immune system to trigger the same response when they are encountered by the body.

There are five main types of pollen that can cause hypersensitivity – silver birch (tree), grass, mugwort (weed), ragweed and latex. It’s typically the nuts, fruits and vegetables associated with each of these that causes oral allergy syndrome.

Trees, or silver birch, are one of the main types of pollen

Oral Allergy Syndrome Foods List

Any plant-based food has the ability to trigger pollen food syndrome, though it’s more likely to elicit a response from the immune system if the food eaten is raw, fresh or in juice or milk form. You may also experience an allergic reaction when preparing plant-based foods, such as when peeling vegetables or chopping herbs.

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Did You Know?

Those with oral allergy syndrome can usually eat the problem foods in cooked form because the heating process changes the allergen so that the immune system no longer recognises it as a threat.

There are five main types of pollen that can cause hypersensitivity and it’s often the nuts, fruits and vegetables associated with these that trigger oral allergy syndrome. Foods that commonly cause oral allergy syndrome, and their associated pollen type, include:

Pollen TypeFruits

This includes whole fruits as well as fruit juices or smoothies.
Vegetables and Herbs

This includes vegetables used in juices or smoothies

This includes whole nuts, chopped nuts and nut milks of any variety.
Seeds, Legumes and Cereals

Whether eaten on their own or mixed into salads, etc.
Silver birch tree pollenApples
Kiwi fruit
Bean sprouts
Green pepper
Brazil nuts
Soya beans
Grass pollenKiwi fruit
Swiss chard
Soya beans
Mugwort and ragweed weed pollensApples
Green pepper
Sunflower seeds
Kiwi fruit
Passion fruit
Fruits, vegetables, and nuts can cause oral allergy syndrome

Symptoms of Oral Allergy Syndrome

The symptoms of oral allergy syndrome are similar to those of hayfever and often begin immediately after contact with the plant-based food. Symptoms are usually mild and will calm down within an hour, without the need for medical intervention.

Common symptoms of pollen food syndrome include:

  • Itchy lips, mouth, tongue, throat or ears.
  • Mild swelling of the lips, tongue or throat.
  • Redness around the mouth.
  • A runny nose, sneezing and itchy eyes.

More serious symptoms of pollen food syndrome are less common but include:

  • Stomach pain or nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Difficulty breathing due an allergic reaction.

If you or someone else experiences these more serious symptoms, then medical help should be sought as soon as possible.

A painful or itchy throat can be a symptom of oral allergy syndrome

Oral Allergy Syndrome Treatment

Most symptoms of oral allergy syndrome are mild and will subside on their own, without the need for medical treatment. You can ease an itchy mouth or mild swelling by stopping eating the food that’s causing the symptoms and drinking water to wash away any residue left in your mouth. Like hayfever, taking an antihistamine tablet can also help to reduce any discomfort felt within half an hour or so.

If your symptoms don’t improve after an hour, or they seem to be getting worse, then seek medical advice by calling your GP or contacting the NHS on their 111 advice line.

Sneezing is another sign that you may have oral allergy syndrome

What to do When Having an Allergic Reaction to Food

In rare cases, someone may experience a severe allergic reaction or anaphylactic shock in response to certain foods. In these instances, an ambulance should be called straight away.

If the person knows they have an existing food allergy, then they may carry an auto-injector, such as an EpiPen, Jext Pen or Emerade Pen, in which case you can locate it for them and help them to administer it.

In all situations, if someone is having an allergic reaction to food, you should do your best to reassure them and keep them calm and comfortable until further help arrives.

Someone administering an auto-injector
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Looking to Learn More?

Do you work in the food industry and need to understand more about food allergies and how to respond in an emergency? Our Food Allergen Awareness Training will help you develop the knowledge you need to keep your customers safe.

In this article, you’ve learnt about the common causes and symptoms of oral allergy syndrome. Pollen food syndrome triggers a similar response by the immune system as hayfever, so the symptoms are usually mild and can be easily treated at home. We hope you’ve found this article helpful!

Further Resources: 

The post Recognising Oral Allergy Syndrome (Pollen Food Syndrome) appeared first on The Hub | High Speed Training.
