How to Combat Dehydration in Health and Social Care

Safeguarding Adults

Within the health and social care sector, dehydration can have a severe impact. Learn about the ways it can be recognised and prevented here.

Sep 27, 2021
clock Icon 8 min read

How to Develop a School Bereavement Policy: Free Template

Education Safeguarding Children Teachers and Parents

Having a school bereavement policy means that staff will be more confident working with bereaved students. Download your school bereavement policy here.

Sep 22, 2021
clock Icon 5 min read

Reception Baseline Assessment: Guidance for Teachers & Parents

Education Teachers and Parents

Almost all children will need to complete the reception baseline assessment. Find guidance on what it entails and how you can best prepare for it here.

Sep 20, 2021
clock Icon 15 min read

How to Build Resilience in Healthcare Professionals

Safeguarding Adults

Despite the importance of resilience in health and social care, it is currently a skills gap. Find strategies for building resilience in healthcare professionals here.

Sep 17, 2021
clock Icon 5 min read

Promoting Positive Behaviour in Early Years: A Guide for Nurseries

Early Years Safeguarding Children Teachers and Parents

Need advice on promoting positive behaviour in early years? Our guide offers information to help develop and manage behavioural skills in children.

Sep 15, 2021
clock Icon 10 min read

How to Support Children Through School Transitions

Education Safeguarding Children Teachers and Parents

School transitions can be incredibly challenging for children. We explain how to support them as they progress through their academic lives.

Sep 10, 2021
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How to Encourage Children to Express Feelings & Emotions

Education Safeguarding Children Teachers and Parents

Teaching children about emotions can have a positive impact on their behaviour. Find strategies on how to encourage a child to express their feelings here.

Sep 6, 2021
clock Icon 5 min read

How to Create a Behaviour Support Plan: Free Template

Education Safeguarding Children Teachers and Parents

Behaviour support plans are an effective school-based tool to help you address any behaviour that challenges. Find out how to create your own plan here.

Sep 3, 2021
clock Icon 5 min read

How to Set Behaviour Expectations in the Classroom

Education Teachers and Parents

Setting behaviour expectations can reduce the likelihood of behaviour that challenges in the classroom. Discover tips for behaviour management here.

Sep 1, 2021
clock Icon 8 min read

Managing Conflict in Health and Social Care: Guidance on Recognising and Handling Confrontations

Advanced Safeguarding Leadership and Management Mental Health and Wellbeing

Health and social care workers often face highly emotive situations. We offer guidance on managing conflict and positive techniques to use.

Aug 30, 2021
clock Icon 8 min read

How Understanding Different Types of Memory Can Help in Teaching

Education Safeguarding Children Teachers and Parents

Understanding different types of memory can help design the most effective learning experiences. Our article explores this relationship further.

Aug 27, 2021
clock Icon 15 min read

Safeguarding Checklist for Schools

Safeguarding Children Teachers and Parents

Safeguarding children in school is a top priority. Download our safeguarding checklist to keep on top of your safeguarding responsibilities in school.

Aug 26, 2021
clock Icon 5 min read

Safeguarding Responsibilities of School Staff

Education Safeguarding Children Teachers and Parents

There are a number of key safeguarding responsibilities for individuals who work in schools. Find out what your duties are as a teacher, governor and DSO.

Aug 26, 2021
clock Icon 5 min read

Duty of Candour in Health and Social Care

Safeguarding Adults

Supporting patients’ wellbeing is paramount in health and social care. We explain what duty of candour is and highlight the responsibilities.

Aug 20, 2021
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How to Help a Child With Anxiety in the Classroom

Education Teachers and Parents

Improving the mental health of children is a huge priority. Find strategies for helping to support children with anxiety in the classroom here.

Aug 18, 2021
clock Icon 10 min read

How to Promote a Reading Culture in Schools

Education Teachers and Parents

A creative reading culture boosts wellbeing, community connectedness, and student outcomes. Find out how to promote a reading culture in your school here.

Aug 16, 2021
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Creating a School Behaviour Management Policy

Education Teachers and Parents

Behaviour management policies are a legal requirement for all schools. We provide guidance on how to create or update one in your setting here.

Aug 2, 2021
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Health and Safety in Care Homes: Free Audit Template

Health and Safety Legislation Safeguarding Adults

Health and safety in care homes brings a number of potential challenges. We detail the common hazards and outline how risks can be managed.

Jul 28, 2021
clock Icon 10 min read

Going for Green: How to Make Your School More Eco-Friendly

Education Teachers and Parents

We offer guidance and explore ways to promote environmental awareness in education, and encourage going for green initiatives in school.

Jul 26, 2021
clock Icon 8 min read

Risk Enablement: Making Safeguarding Personal

Mental Health and Wellbeing Safeguarding Adults

We offer guidance on risk enablement in health and social care, and the responsibility of promoting an individual’s positive wellbeing here.

Jul 21, 2021
clock Icon 10 min read